Chapter 22

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Monday. Another school day.

Hikori was sitting at his desk, legs swinging beneath him and slightly scraping the floor. He smiled to himself as he thought about the weekends' events; He had gone to speak to his Aunty and had gotten the information he has been needing to hear regarding his dad's past and as a result; their relationship was fixed. There was something else on his mind as well; that Katsuki boy. As he thought about him, he didn't realise a hot blush move to his cheeks, until Hagakure turned in his seat to face him.

"Are you coming, Kaminari-kun?" he asked softly, his fringe completely concealing his eyes.

"Huh?! For what?" Hikori questioned.

"For our joint training with 1B? Where you not paying attention?"

"Oh no! I was paying attention."

"Well? Come on. Everyone's going to get changed into their hero outfits and meeting in Training Ground Gamma."

Hagakure left the classroom and Hikori raced after him.


A few moments later, Hikori was standing with his classmates as 1B entered the scene. Hikori couldn't help but gawk at the students from Class B, apart from their hero outfits, Hikori thought some of their quirks were pretty cool, well... from the ones that were evidently visible. Their teacher, Phantom Thief stood before them, triumphant smirk on his face, mixed with psychopathic. From the 1B students before him, Hikori recognised Monoma, Katsuki, Kohei, Horikoshi, Yuzu and Takahashi. The other students were unfamiliar to him.

"Looks like it's another fight to avenge your title, Huh, Pinky?!" Phantom Thief exclaimed.

"Well considering my class beat yours 4-0 I don't think it would be much of a challenge with my students up against yours." Pinky replied, a smirk playing at her lips.


"If that's what you hear then, Yes. Yes, it is!"

"Oh Ho! This will be fun for sure!"

"Alright everyone! Separate into teams of 4! There will be 5 rounds. Each team will watch each other fight."

The students nodded and separated into their teams;


Chisuke Toga- Blood Clone

Hikori Kaminari- Shockwave

Amen Tokoyami- Shadow

Supaiku Harinèzumi- Shaft


Akemi Takahashi- Glaze

Emerson Izuki- Future Chance

Keigo Monoma- Thermal Phantom

Aruko Yuzu- Tox


Keisha Ren- Howlette

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