Chapter 29

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Hikori had just gotten off the phone to his parents and grandparents and left his room, heading to the common room to hang with his friends and check on MT. he knew about the boy's history with Rayne and he wanted to make sure that the red-white-green haired male's PTSD wasn't causing any serious side effects. When he entered the room, he looked around until his gaze found the boy. Walking over to the kitchen bench, he plastered on his signature smile.

"Hey, man!" Hikori beamed.

"Hey." MT's voice was low and quiet, as if he wasn't sure about his words.

"Everything OK? I mean, you ran into Ray-"

"Don't say his name...!"

"... Your Ex, yesterday. I just wanted to make sure everything was alright."

"I'm doing fine... for now... but thanks for your concern."

"No problem!"

The boys sat in silence for a few moments, just watching all of their classmates interact. Takami was laying across Togata's lap while the boy had his hand on the black haired male's head, and on his phone. Suddenly, a pair of arguing voices entered the room.

"Ichika...! Just ask her out!" came a voice. The boys turned to see Hagakure and his sister, Ojiro.

"But I can't!" the girl wined. "I don't even know if she's into girls! Never alone date me!"

"Hey, guys! What's going on?" Hikori questioned.

"Ichika has a crush on Tori and she's being too stubborn to ask her out." Hagakure replied, sitting next to the other boys.

"I Am Not! I just-"

"Hey, my dudes!" Tori smiled as she wandered into the room. This shut Ojiro up completely.

"Hey, Tori?"

"Yes, Midoriya?"

"Do you like girls or guys?"

"Strange question and extremely out of the blue, buuut; I like girls and only girls."

"What's your type?" Hikori continued, following what MT was trying to do.

"Blondes with green eyes, outgoing personality. One who likes baby animals, music and kawaii themed things." Tori winked in Ojiro's direction, causing the blonde girl to turn bright red. "Anyways. See ya!"

The group watched as Tori wandered off.

"Everything she just said..." Ojiro began. "Was basically describing me, correct...?"

The 3 boys nodded. Ojiro squealed in joy and shock.

"She likes me! She likes me! SHE LIKES ME!" the girl had grabbed her brother by the shoulders and started shaking him back and forth.

"I-Chi-Ka-! Stop-Sha-King-Me-!" Hagakure said, his words splitting in time with the way his body was being shaken.

"Sorry, Ben, but; SHE LIKES MEEEE!"

"Yes we know...! We heard you the first three times."

"Well?" Hikori began, "You now know she likes you, so why don't you ask her out?"

Ojiro's face fell. She slumped over the counter and her arms draped over the other side. Her long, lemon blonde hair covering her face and laying on the bench.

"I can't...!" she wined again.

"Why not?" MT questioned.

"... I'm scared..." Ojiro lifted up and looked at the group. "I know she likes me now, yeah, but... What if she was only saying that to play with my feelings...?"

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