Chapter 23

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Hikori was heading down the hall into the common room when Togata ran past and almost knocked him over.

"SORRY!" he cried.

Hikori noticed his voice. He sounded panicked. As he entered the common room, he saw all of his classmates, either surrounding something of interest or standing away with looks of panic. Heading closer, he heard a shaky sob coming from one of his classmates, who it was is a mystery. When he joined the small circle, he found Sensei Mina crouched down by Takami's side with Deku and Togata. Takami seemed to be having some sort of panic attack; Something Hikori has never experienced. He heard whimpering coming from Hasuki. Looking around, he saw MT sitting alone at one of the kitchen table chairs. Wandering over, he was thankful when the boy didn't push him away.

"What's happening?" Hikori asked softly.

"Hinote's having a panic attack. This is the third one in the space of two days. He had one last night, this morning before even getting out of bed and as you can tell; he's having another one now." MT explained.

"Is it bad?"

"I dunno. He never says anything about what bothers him. He just stays closed off with his emotions until they get to much for him."


"You know how I told you a while ago that he has a bad relationship with his dad?"


"Well after everything that had happened, he developed moderate anxiety, and was medically diagnosed with depression and PTSD. We have to keep a close eye on him when he's like this as he can slip into a state of suicidal thoughts."

"Man... I feel so sorry for him... And you and your family, having to go through all of that with him."

"Can I tell you something, Kaminari?"


"In middle school, as I was the son of the No.1 and No.2 Pro Heroes, people would try and force me into friendships as they wanted to be the friends of a famous, popular kid. Everyone practically acted as if Hinote was invisible."

"I know how that feels... trust me..."

"Can we go somewhere private to continue this, please?"

"Of course!"

The boys headed down to the boys' dorms and went into MT's room. They sat next to each other on the candy cane haired boy's bed.

"You know how I told you that my parents never want me to get a boyfriend till I'm 30?" MT continued.

"Yeah...? Why are you brining this up?" Hikori questioned with concern.

"Well I kind went behind their backs in middle school and got into a relationship with this boy."

"MT...! You naughty boy...!"

"Very funny. Anyways, I thought he was the most perfect person to ever enter my life. Until one day... I was simply walking with him, as I couldn't find Hinote, and he took me into one of the empty classrooms; an old music room that no one used. I thought it was suspicious of him to take me there. Once we entered, he locked the door behind us..."

*MT's Flashback*

"Rayn...? What are you doing?"

"Making sure no one can bother us, Irei."

*Flashback end*

"He advanced towards me." MT continued, tears tip-toeing down his face, knees pulled close to his chest, and chin resting on them. "He trapped me on top of one of the tables. I tried to call for help but he said the room was sound proof, and it was, he then did things to me that I didn't think I would ever experience at 14. It hurt and I felt disgusted. I never told my dads as I didn't want them to worry or take me away from Hinote... My only true friend..."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, MT... And I thought my middle school years were fucked up..."

"Why? What happened to you?"

"Put it this way; I've been locked into lockers, pushed down stairs and into the dirt, bullied by both teachers and students; practically treated like shit by everyone in that fucking school. I almost burnt a kid in the face with my electricity because he was being a fucking ass."

"Wow... I guess being a Pro Hero kid comes with its negatives..."

"Yeah... Everyone treats you like shit because they believe you have everything you want."

"But little do they know, we don't. We're just like everyone else..."


"On another note; I'm sorry for how I've been avoiding you, Kami... I tend to avoid the person that reminds me of that time in middle school. My PTSD doesn't let anyone even bump into me below the waist..."

"Wait. You and your cousin have PTSD?!"

"Yep... Guess it runs in the family. My Father; Shoto, has PTSD from his childhood."

"Oh wow... not sure if this makes it any better but, I win."

"What are you on about?"

"I have ADHD, Insomnia and Dyslexia. So yeah. I. Win."

"Man...! And I thought for once I would've won..."

Hikori watches as his friend pretends to pout. When they make eye contact, they both start laughing their asses off. They continued to talk about random things for a little while longer before heading back into the common room to check on Takami.


In class the next day, Hikori just sat at his desk while his classmates were doing their own thing. A thought entered his mind, one that he was surprised no one had asked before.

"Hey, Sensei?" Hikori asked, grabbing the attention of his classmates.

"Yes, Kaminari?" The pro asked, looking up from some paper work.

"Could you tell us a bit about yourself, please? We barely know anything about you."

"... Alright then, what would you like to know?"

"Are you married?" Ojiro asked.

"... I'm engaged, yes."

"Who are you engaged to?" Ren continued.

"Pro Hero; Can't Stop Twinkling. AKA the sweetest person in the world; Aoyama Yuga."

"Do you have any children?" Yaoyarozu questioned.

"I have three, secret children, that not even my closest friends now about. and as Shoto would say; Secret Love Children!"

"What are their names?" Adrien asked, looking up from his switch.

"Well, my 14-year-old's name is Eli. My 13-year-old is called Allie and then there's our baby; Onyx, who is 9."

"What are their quirks?" MT continued.

"Eli's quirk is Acidic Laser; he can create a laser from his belly button but it will melt anything in it's way. Allie's quirk is glitter; her quirk is like mine but it's glittery. Onyx is quirkless."

"They sound so cool!" Hasuki smiled, tail wagging.

"I think my little sister mentioned a friend called Onyx." Togata stated.

"What school do your kids go to, Sensei?" Hagakure asked.

"Allie and Eli attend Mustafa Private Middle School, while Onyx is currently enrolled in Shōgakkō Elementary."

"I'd really like to meet them one day!" Yoi smiled. The rest of the class nodded in agreement.

The class continued to talk to their teacher for a while longer. The bell rang and the students tried to leave to head to the dorms, but Pinky stopped them in their tracks.

"I'm going to have to leave for an hour so I'm leaving Iida and Togata in charge! Don't destroy anything!"

The students nodded and raced to the dorms.

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