Chapter 32

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Hikori was surprised that his parents had let him go. His dad had gone to the hospital to see his uncle so his Papa went with, asking Mr. and Mrs. Reef to look after him. Hikori was now following Adelaide through the school halls. Hikori liked this school. Their uniforms were black shirts with a pin stripe down one side. The girls had the option to wear either shorts or skirts, while the boys could choose between long pants or shorts. Adelaide's hair was done up in a fishtail braid. The duo had reached the class that Adelaide is situated into but Hikori stopped her in her tracks.

"Are you sure I'll be allowed?" Hikori said nervously.

"Of course!" Adelaide beamed. "My mum and dad had called the school and my teacher and they said it was fine. Don't worry about it!"

Hikori started to wring his hands with nerves. Adelaide made her way into the classroom and sat down. Hikori peeked into the room and all eyes were on him.

"Everyone?" the teacher began, looking back at her students as she gestured for Hikori to enter. "This is the temporary exchange student that will be joining us for a few days. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"My name is Hikori Kaminari." He began. "And I'm from Japan. My quirk is called Electric waves and, in case anyone is wondering; I'm half Australian, therefore I can understand and speak English fluently."

"Wait. Did you say Kaminari...?!"

"I did, miss."

"Are you by any chance related to Denki Kaminari...?!"

"He's my dad. Why?"

"I used to teach him when he attended this school."


"Does anyone have any questions for Hikori?"

One student raised their hand. He had white hair and had electric blue and onyx heterochromia.

"Zack?" Mrs. Coralline nodded.

"Are your parents heroes in Japan?"

"Yes they are, actually. They're the 7th and 9th ranking heroes. Also known as the Stungun Hero; Chargebolt and the Mind Hero; Mind Meddler."

Hikori continued to answer questions from the students until a bell sounded for change of lesson.


The lessons in Australia were completely different to the ones Hikori completes in Japan. He was walking with Adelaide when they reached a table that was occupied by some other students. One student Hikori recognised was the white haired male; Zack.

"Hey guys!" Adelaide beamed as she sat down at the table, Hikori quietly following in pursuit.

"Hey, Addie." A girl smiled. She had dark brown hair and orange eyes. "So you brought the exchange student here?"

"Yes, Kayla. I thought he might want to join me and meet all of you!"

"Alright. I'm Kayla. Nice to meet you."

"Hey. I'm Zack." The white haired male introduced.

"Imogen and this is my cousin; Vincent." A girl with blonde hair replied.

"It's nice to meet you all. What are your quirks?"

"I can manipulate Earth at will." Kayla stated.


Quirk; Earth

She can manipulate Earth at her will.

"My quirk is called smoke." Zack continued.

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