Chapter 5

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The next day at school, Hikori wore a downcast expression due to last night's bombshell. As he sat at his desk, Iida walked over, seeing how upset he looked. Crouching down by the boy's desk and by his side, Iida placed their hand on the boy's arm.

"You Ok, Kaminari?" they asked.

"I'm fine..." Hikori said softly, trying to hold back a sob. "I'll talk to you about it during break..."

"Alright. But if you need to talk to someone, I'm right next to you."

Iida stood up and made their way to their desk as Sensei Mina walked in and grabbed the classes attention.

"So, as you all know, the sports festival is coming up." She explained. "So from here on out, training sessions will be used for you to train for the festival. It will take place in 5 weeks so that puts into perspective how much time you have to train. Your methods of training will be different from one another, but if you prefer to train against an opponent, you are free to do so."

The class nodded, Hikori's expression lightening up. After Sensei Mina allowed them to change into their sports uniforms, the class made their way out and went to change.

As Hikori made his way to the male change rooms, he watched as the blonde boy, whom sits behind Iida, wander into a different change room. The disabled change rooms to be exact. He became curious but decided not to worry about it. He made his way into the change rooms. As he looked up, a blush gripped his whole face and he threw his gaze down. Every time he walked in, he got reminded of his sexuality with a gay panic.

'Don't stare. Don't stare. Don't stare. DON'T STARE!' was all Hikori thought as he walked over to his locker to change. MT walked up to him at the current time and he looked just about ready to die. Both boys had their lockers right next to each other.

MT was mumbling something inaudible and he seemed to be having an inner panic as his body went all stiff and he was shaking like mad.

"Yo! MT! You good bro?" Hikori asked.

"G-Gay. P-pa-panic...!" MT stuttered.

"I know how you feel dude. Let me guess? Happens every time you walk into the room?"

"Y-yep. Th-that's wh-y I-I always co-me in b-be-before everyone el-se...!"

"And leave before we all come in?"

MT just nodded. Hikori shoved him.

"Don't do that to me bro! It means I have to go through a Gay panic on my own!" Hikori whined.

"Oh don't be a big baby." MT stated.

They finished getting changed and they joined the rest of their class in the training grounds. Everyone was either training with each other or training on their own. Hikori looked around and his gaze landed on the white-blue-red haired male. He had creatures around him. 5 to be exact. These creatures, Hikori realised were some of the most popular video game characters to ever exist! There was Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Bowser, Link and Pikachu.

"Who's that?" Hikori asked his friend.

"That is Terebigemu Adrien." MT replied

"What's his quirk?"

"Video Game."


QUIRK; Video Game

By waving his hand over a game controller, he is able to bring different game characters to life, although his current limit is 5 characters at a time.

"That's so cool!" Hikori beamed.

"I know right. Wanna spar?" MT questioned.


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