Chapter 7

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As Hikori sat, uncomfortably, at the dinner table, MT kept looking at his friend before he sighed. He needed to know.

"Hey, Kaminari?"

"Yeah, MT?"

"Why did you come over anyways? You said you needed to get away for the night. Is everything alright?"

"You know how I said we should ask them about you know what?"


"Well I tried asking my parents and it didn't end well..."

"I'm sorry..."

"What are you boys talking about?" Shoto asked.

Hikori sighed.

"We want to get to the bottom of something. We know that our parents are hiding something from us, no offense by the way." Hikori said.

"None taken." Deku replied. "Please. Continue."

"I tried to ask my dad and he didn't like it. All I got out of it was that you guys thought my family was dangerous, that's why you guys separated all of us. He mentioned something about a fight between you all. A fall out. That you didn't want anything to do with each-other."

"That much is true." Deku looked at Shoto before continuing. "We had a fight all right. We refused to have anything to do with Denki and Hitoshi, in fears that what happened to you would happen to our children. We just wanted to keep our own kids safe."

"What happened?"

"It is something that your dad should tell you, Kaminari. Because if he knew that we told you, he would be furious. Since having you, Denki's quirk became more powerful than we ever thought." Shoto continued, both children listening with wide eyes and Deku nodding in agreement. "He use to have this... Whey mode. A drawback of his quirk were he would go brain dead. As he got older, that slowly became no existent."

"Instead he just faints after over use." Hikori added with a sidewards glance to his friend.

"But even then, we found that it started to become less evident as a drawback."

"It seems that the more information I receive from this, the more confused I get." Hikori moan, leaning against the back of the chair.

"I think we should just let your parents speak to you about it. It might make more sense." Deku sighed. "Speak of which..."

Deku's phone started to ring. He looked at the contact and saw that it was Hitoshi, Hikori's papa. Answering the call, Deku spoke calmly.


"Hi, Midoriya. I know it's a bit strange for me to be calling you, even after all of these years and everything that has happened, I just want to know if you have seen Hikori. He had a fight with Denki. I went into his room to speak to him but he wasn't there but his window was open."

"Oh! Don't worry about it, Kaminari. He's here with Irei."

"Oh thank All Might- SORRY! Anyways, I'm glad he's safe."

"He was talking about staying the night with Irei. Is that OK?"

"Honestly? I think that is a good choice. He and Denks aren't on speaking terms right now and I don't want them to start any unnecessary conflict. Anyway. Tell him I said hi and I'll see him when he gets back."

"Will do."

"Bye, Midoriya."

"Bye, Kaminari."

Deku hung up and looked at the boys.

"That was your Papa. He said that you can stay here. You obviously didn't say anything about your escape to him, did you?"

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