Chapter 21

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The next day, being a Saturday, Hikori sat in his room, not wanting to run into MT. What his Papa had said that night played over in his head. He really had a lot of questions, and it wasn't just about why MT was avoiding him, but questions about his parents' past. He knew there were a lot of things they weren't telling him, but why should he bother asking anymore? His dad already hates him and hasn't answered any of his calls or texts. So why should he risk destroying his relationship with his Papa?

He pulled himself off of his bed and headed out of his room, closing the door behind him. He walked through the common room and saw Takami lying across Togata's lap while Tori Tori was talking with Ojiro Ichika, the blonde girl blushing while the brunette seemed totally oblivious to her actions. He headed out of the room and down the hall. He walked the halls of the school until he got to Eri's office. Pushing open the door, he invited himself in just as Eri, herself, came out of nowhere.

"Hikori...! What can I do for you?" she asked, sweetly.

"Provide comfort to your nephew, whom that feels like he's about to have a mental breakdown because his dad won't talk to him and now one of his best friends are avoiding him at all costs...?" Hikori replied, tears welling in his eyes and threatening to fall.

"Oh, Hik..." the woman embraced him in a tight hug and allowed the boy to break down in her arms.

"Why do I feel like I'm the problem?! Why do I feel like Dad and MT would be better off without me?!"

"Hikori... MT is probably getting to overwhelmed, you know, being the son of two of the greatest heroes Japan has ever seen and, your Dad? He's gone through a lot of things in his life and he even told me that he doesn't want to burden you with any of it."

"But maybe if I knew then maybe our relationship wouldn't currently be in pieces...!"

"... Your dads are going to kill me for this..." Eri sighed and sat the boy on the bed. "I'll tell you what's happened, alright? I don't want to see you suffer like this anymore then you already have."

"Wait... you will...?!" Hikori asked. Finally, he was going to get some answers.

"Your dad grew up in a very toxic home. His father, you other grandfather, would beat both him and his mother until he grew tired of it then he would go out and get pissed. Your dad, as Hitoshi has told me, would come to school every-day battered, bruised and bleeding."

Hikori listened with wide eyes. A new voice entered the conversation and continued the story;

"One day, he arrived at school, only to collapse and break down crying in the classroom. Later we found out that his mother had died that morning."

Hikori looked up and saw Deku and Mina standing in the room. Deku was the one that had continued the story.

"A lot of things happened and before we knew it, Denki attempted to jump of the school roof." Mina continued, tears in her eyes as she relived the memory. "We managed to get to him in time and save him, only to find out that his father was abusive and had killed his mother. We followed him home, captured his father and handed him over to police. The next day we found out that he had no other relatives in Japan and had to move to Australia to live with his uncle. We helped him pack but nothing was the same after he had left."

"We later reunited a few years later for our class reunion party. We then found out he had moved back and was going to stay for good." Eri smiled, weakly.

"Skip forward a few more years and his father had broken out of jail and almost killed your dad. We then found out he was to get married." Mina added.

"But what made him hate you guys?" Hikori asked as he directed his gaze to the No.1 Hero.

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