Chapter 8

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Hikori sat at his desk at school, that Monday afternoon and thoughts just swam through his brain. He was upset that his dad was mad at him. Upset that he may not cheer him on in the Sports Festival. But apart from these negative thoughts, he was thinking about how much he was getting to know all of his classmates; Iida, Kirishima, MT, Takami, Hasuki, Harinezumi, etc. His sensei walked in at that very moment.

"Alright everyone! I have some exciting news! Tomorrow is the day that you are all going to be moving into the dorms in the 1A Height Alliance building!"

The class erupted into cheers. Hikori must admit, they were all looking forward to living in the dorms.

'plus... dad would love it enough, because he won't have to see me.'

"So make sure you all pack your bags to be ready to move in!" Pinky yelled over the noise of the class' cheers.

"But Sensei?!" a girl with light green-skin asked.

"Yes, Yoi?"

"I thought the students only moved into the dorms after the sports festival?"

"Usually they would, but as half of your classmates' parents are Pro Heroes, they had asked Principal Nezu if we could move the class into the dorms at an earlier date. And to limit any suspicion, all students will be moving in to their given dorms, too. Any other questions?"

The class shook their heads. The bell chimed for the next lesson.


"I'm so excited to move into Heights Alliance building!" a girl squealed to her friends as Hikori walked passed with his friends.

"Me, too!" one of her friends squealed.

"Ugh...! All of their joy is really sickening!" Kirishima groaned.

"Don't be like that, Kiri! It's exciting! Means we can all live with each-other!" Iida beamed.


MT laughed at his friend's sarcasm. Hikori just smiled.


That night, Hikori was packing his suitcases and bags, when his Papa came knocking at his door.

"Hey, Papa!"

"Hey, Buddy. You packing for tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I want to make sure I have everything, that way, if I forget anything, I can have time to check tomorrow morning."

"Good idea. Want some help?"

"Please. You've done this before so you will have a better understanding of what I should pack, apart from clothes."

The purple haired male wandered in and went to the boy's closet and started to take some things of the clothes hangers.

"Remember the time you came out to us? You called out to us, only for us to find your room empty and you came jumping out of the wardrobe. You literally came out of the closet."

"You got a good laugh though."

"Yeah. But I'm still didn't understand why you wanted to come out. You literally have two gay parents."

"I know but I wanted to feel what it was like to come out in a special way. By the way, how did you and dad come out to your families?"

Hitoshi sat on the floor with his son and started folding shirts while the boy started folding his pants.

"Well, for me, being in a family of gays, I just blurted it out to them one night at dinner. We were all eating and I just said 'I'm gay.' Dadzawa just looked at me and shrugged, while Papa Mic said congratulations. Eri just tilted her head to the side with confusion. I then proceeded to smile and say; 'and I'm attracted to loud blondes.' Dad chocked on his food and all papa could say was; 'you your daddy's son!' in a sing song voice. It was hilarious."

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