Chapter 4

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Hikori entered the male changing rooms to change out of his training uniform. There, he actually decided to take notice of his male peers.  A few lockers down, another boy was standing on his own. He had light hazelnut brown hair and a strong tail emerging from his back. This was the boy that sat in front of him in class.

A boy with royal blue hair, that looks kinda purple in certain light, with deep blue eyes, stood talking to a boy with orange hair, aquamarine eyes and sharp teeth. A boy with black hair, fringe covering half his face, sat on one of the benches as he tied up his shoes. A boy with white hair and a blue-red fringe was sorta dressed. He had the top buttons of his shirt undone, blazer tied around his waist and tie hanging loosely around his neck. His attention was on a hand held Nintendo switch.

There was Harinezumi, whom was having trouble with his tie. He was twitching all over the place and so where his hands, making it impossible for him to tie his tie. A boy with silver, metallic skin and hair wandered over and offered his assistance. Once he only had to do the buttons of his shirt, Midoriya-Todoroki, MT, walked over. He was completely dressed.

"Hey, Kaminari-kun!"

"Hey, MT! Man, your dad sure does know how to make training a living hell."

"You should see him at home. He's a big strong hero out in public but he's just a big teddy-bear at home, who gets frightened when a moth flies in his face."

"Really?! I can't see it. The Great All Mighty DEKU! Scared by a little moth?! Preposterous!"

"You should make you own memes...!"

"Don't tempt me, MT...!"

The boys continued to laugh as they followed the rest of the boys out of the changing rooms.

Once they entered the classroom once more. Hikori and MT sat at their desks.

"Alright everyone. As we did some simple training with quirks today, and not 1v1s, on my desk, I have a bowl with names of only half the students' names in it." Pinky explained. "I noticed that you have all found you little groups and friends and, even though you train with them is needed, you don't really know your classmates. Half of the class will come up and pick a name to pair up with. First will be Ren."

The girl walked up to the desk. She picked a name. "Togata."

She smiled and showed her pristine white fangs. She went and sat by Togata, by crouching on the floor. It went like this along the rows, in order. Next was a girl with curly brown hair, light brown skin and dark brown eyes.

"Iida!" She beamed

(below will be the pairings)

Iida & Tori

Kirishima & Shiro

Ren & Togata

Toga & Yaoyarozu

Takami & Kinzoku

Harinezumi & Tokoyami

Kendo & Midoriya-Todoroki

Yoi & Ojiro

Terebigemu & Hagakure

When Hikori walked up, he picked out the last name. "Hasuki...?"

He saw a short girl with silver hair, big blue eyes, wolf ears, tail and fangs smile at him, her tail wagging furiously. Hikori walked over and sat on the window sill next to her desk.

"So I'm Kaminari Hikori."

"Hasuki Surasshu!" when she smiled, her fangs were still evident.

"Nice to meet you! My quirk is Electric waves. You?"



QUIRK: Husky

She is able to turn her whole body into the form of a husky, granting her the ability of great hearing, smell and skills in, mainly, mountain or snow biomes. She continuously has her ears, tail and small fangs.

"So...? What do we ask now...?" Hikori asked, awkwardly.

"Ooh! Tell me about your parents! Because I recognise the Kaminari name!"

"Oh! Ok then... My parents are Chargebolt and Mind Meddler. I'm also related to Erasurehead, Present Mic, Eri and Water Jet (Water Jet- Kota's Hero name)"

"That is so cool! The fact that everyone in your family are Pro Heroes! I wish one of my parents were a Pro Hero..." Hasuki pouted, and Hikori must admit, it was pretty cute.

"Don't worry! I'm sure your parents are just as cool! You just need to believe in yourself. And when you think about it; you're in the hero course, training to be a hero, therefore making you the first one in your family to be a hero!"


"No problem!"

They continued to talk until the lesson was over.


When Hikori got home that night, he found his parents in the living room. A dark aura of sadness hung in the room.

"What's going on? What happened...?" Hikori asked as he dropped his bag on the couch.

"Ash passed, kiddo..." Denki replied softly.


"We're sorry buddy. We know how much you loved her." Hitoshi said, matching Denki's tone.

"Of course I loved her! You got her before I was BORN! She was my best friend! The only friend I had when everyone moved away. When the kids at school thought of me as a freak!" Hikori screamed.

Hikori ran upstairs and only the echoing sound of his bedroom door was heard. Hikori lay on his bed, back towards the door. Anyone else would be devastated if a pet died, but to Hikori, it was like he had just lost a good friend. And Ash was, even if she was a cat.


After dinner that night, Hikori went outside. His parents had told him that she was buried in the backyard, near the back fence. Wandering over to the small mound where Ash was buried, Hikori dropped to the ground. He just stared at the spot. He crawled over towards the flowerbed a picked a small purple flower, roots and all. He dug a little spot in the brave and planted the flower on top.

Getting up and brushing of the back of his pants, he headed back inside and went straight to bed, his parents watching with sadness and concern. This had really shattered their son's heart. Denki sighed and fell into Hitoshi's arms, face in the taller male's chest. Hitoshi stroked his small husband's blonde hair and then placed his head on top of Denki's. a minute passed and they went to bed themselves.

One their wat to their room, they checked on their son. He had his face towards he door, blankets kicked off and he was cuddling up to their other cat, Bandit. Quietly walking in, Denki pulled the covers over their son, Bandit watching the whole time. Hitoshi stayed at the door and leant against the frame. Denki gently moved Hikori's fringe from his eyes and planted a soft kiss on the boy's forehead, before walking out, he and Hitoshi heading to bed.

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