Chapter 6

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He was dangling over the edge of the roof, a strong hand around his neck. The person holding him said words that were to inaudible for him to understand. He saw his dad and others below him. News crew members and other civilians. Screaming out, the only words that were recognisable were "DADDY!"

He was dropped, but felt like he was being chocked as the figure caught him once more. The feeling of falling encased him. The urge to scream rose in his throat.


Screaming, Hikori jolted up in bed and heard the thumping footsteps of two figures race into his room. his bedroom light was switched on and a figure with slender arms wrapped around Hikori's slender shaking frame. Tears traced down his face and he couldn't help but let out a sob. Denki sat on the edge of his son's bed and held him close while stroking his hair. Hitoshi sat on the opposite side.

"It's ok, Hikori. It was just a bad dream." Denki soothed.

"I didn't feel like a dream, though. It felt too real to be a dream." Hikori sobbed.

"That's dreams for you..." Hitoshi sighed.

Hikori just sat there, in his parents' arms, trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed behind his closed eyes. It wasn't a dream. He was positive. And he was also positive that his Dad and Papa were hiding something from him. But he would get to the bottom of it. Even if it killed him.


The next day at school, he marched through the school gates and found his small group of friends. He held out his hands and pushed all three of them to the side, into the bushes almost.

"The Fuck, Duracell?!" Kirishima cursed.

"Whoa-!" Iida gasped.

"What are you doing?" Irei questioned.

"Listen. We were all childhood friends, right?" Hikori began.

"Yeah. We were all really close." Iida agreed, the other two nodding.

"Well, I think our parents are hiding something from us. That something being the real reason why we were all suddenly separated from each other."

"Why do you think that, Kaminari?"

"I had a... dream... last night but it didn't feel like a dream. It felt real. Like it had actually happened and it was more like a memory. Has that happened to any of you guys?"

The bell rang and the group started to head inside.

"Well," Iida began, "When I asked my parents why I changed preschools, they gave me a look like they were hiding something. That night I had a dream where my parents were arguing with some people. But the other people were like blurred shadows."

"My parents give me that type of look, too, when I ask about why my childhood memories are so fuzzy and seem jumbled up." MT agreed.

"When I ask about why my childhood was so confusing, my dad, Red Riot, just runs out the room and my other dad, Ground Zero, just tells me not to say anything like that around him before leaving the room to go and see him." Kirishima adds, the normal anger not in her words.

The group reached the class and Hikori sat at his table, his friends standing around him.

"They are hiding something from us, that's for sure." Hikori said eyes narrowing into a serious frown.

"But the question is; What. What are they hiding from us that they can't even tell us?" Iida agreed, looking at their friends, each in turn.

Pinky walks in at that moment and signals the class to sit down.

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