Chapter 13

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As Hikori sat in the cafeteria that lunch, he waited for the rest of the squad to arrive. After a few moments, he watched as Iida, MT and Kirishima wandered in. All three of them were soaked and dripping wet. They joined Hikori at the table. Iida had taken of their glasses and was cleaning them, MT was twisting the end of his shirt and squeezing any excess water out and Kirishima was shaking her head, violently, to shake the water from it.

"What happened to you guys?!" Hikori exclaimed.

"1B happened." MT said flatly with a slight hint of anger.

"We were just walking down the hall and 1B bombarded us and started to throw water balloons at us." Iida explained.

"And because we haven't played any pranks on them for revenge, 1B is now ahead of us by 3 points, as the past two pranks, being the Afton Jump scare and the paint bucket trick, registered on the watches." Kirishima growled.

The trio sat down and continued to talk, Hikori offering them some food from his lunch tray for the group to share.

"So what are we going to do? We need to get revenge for what they've been doing to us." Hikori said as he watched Kirishima snag a few of his chips.

"Who knows but we defiantly have to get them back. We need to avenge Sensei's Prank War champion title." Iida said as they lent on their palm, with elbow on the desk.

"Yeah! We need to keep the title for 1A! We can't let 1B win!" MT agreed.

"So what do we do?" Kirishima asked.

"I think I have an idea..." Hikori smirked evilly.


Hikori had informed his class about his plan for payback on 1B but they had to wait till it got later at night. When the clock struck 10pm, 1A all got up and made their way, quietly to the 1B dorm level. Once there, they got into position. Once all hidden, Hikori gave Yaoyarozu activated her quirk and let out a shrill scream. Not even 10 seconds later, screams went through the dorms, evident from the girls, as the whole class ran into their common room.

From his hiding point, Hikori watched as a male with wavy blue hair reached for the lightswitch, only for it to not work. He looked around and saw Shiro with his quirk activated, looking at the ceiling. This meant he had his quirk activated and was pausing the light, preventing it from working.

Giving Ojiro a signal, the girl turned invisible and took off her clothes, allowing her body to be completely invisible. Hikori couldn't find her but eventually did when he saw a pot pan rise and get thrown to the floor. This caused two of the girls to hug each other; one with pink hair and another with blonde hair and a teal strip in her fringe, while screaming. Making spooky noses and Keisha howling. They managed to succeed in scaring the class as they all raced out of the room and down the hall. The 1A students stood up and started laughing and high-fiving each other.

"That was amazing, HA HA!" Tori exclaimed.

"That was a wicked idea, Kaminari!" Adrien beamed, hand on his hip.

"I know right?!" Keisha added.

Everyone started thanking Hikori for the idea.

"Alright everyone...! Off to bed in our dorm before 1B starts getting suspicious...!" Mina giggled as she hushed her students out and to bed.


Hikori lay in bed and smiled at himself. It was amazing. Suddenly, something clicked in his head.


Hikori moaned and threw his hands over his face.

'I'll have to give it to him tomorrow morning... shit...!'

Deciding to not dwell on it any longer, he tried to get some sleep.


The next morning, Hikori went to find Takami. He found the boy sitting on the couch in the common room.

"Hey, Takami!" Hikoir cried running over.

"Oh... Hi, Kaminari. What's up?"

"I've got this letter for you, but it's not from me. It's from someone else."


"Read it and find out...!"

Hikori then ran off, leaving Takami alone.

Sorry for such a short chapter.

Year 12 is fun but it just feels really strange for some reason. I dunno.

Anyways, again, sorry for the short chapter. My motivation went pfft.

Updates may be slow and may not come as quickly.

I've started a few new stories and Destiny has been forgotten about, but I swear, it will NOT be discontinued.

Thnx for the understanding.

Destiny- MHA Next GenerationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora