Chapter 19

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Hikori was currently sitting in Earphone Jack's office, spinning slowly in the Pro's chair, while Kohei was on her phone. The Pro had been called into a meeting and, as nothing was really happening regarding her needing to be called for hero work, she had left the duo in her office to entertain themselves for an hour or so. The only thing that was on Hikori's mind was the strange behaviour that MT had shown the night before.

"Hey, Kohei?" Hikori asked suddenly.

"Yeah?" the girl asked, looking up from her phone.

"What would you do if a friend started acting strange after you did something unintentionally?"

"Depends who it is and what happened. Why? What did you do?"

"I accidentally laid across my friend's lap. It caused him to blush," Hikori sat up straight and stopped spinning, facing the girl directly before continuing. "And all I said was 'MT exe. Has stopped working' and he covered his face, told me to fuck off, pushed me off the couch and removed himself from the room. He sounded somewhat panicked or scared. I think it was my fault, but I don't know exactly what made him act like that..."

"Hm... Try and talk to him. Maybe you can figure something out from there."

"But what if my actions make him not want to talk to me anymore...?"

"Does he have any siblings, cousins or other family that are at UA?"

"He has a cousin in our class and his dad is one of the Teachers there."

"Try talking to them first then. Talk to his dad, then if he won't say anything, talk to his cousin, or vice-versa. OK?"

"... OK. Thanks, Kohei."

"No problem!"

The girl then went back to doing what she was doing on her phone and Hikori continued to spin on the chair.

Meanwhile- Somewhere else in Japan...

A figure wandered through a door, pushing it out of the way as he walked. He entered a room that looked like a bar. A girl with two wild, brown, blonde streaked pigtails, sat in one of the booths while a male with pale silver curly hair sat at a bar stool, downing a tall glass.

"Where is Shigaraki?!" the male called to the other two.

"In his office." The girl said, sounding like she had previously been pissed off.

The male wandered across the room and walked through another set of doors and down a hallway. He stopped before a wooden door. Without knocking, he simply wandered in. The person in the room had pale, light blue hair that stopped by his shoulders. Scratches marked his skin; new and old. His red eyes seemed to have been dulled in colour. He was wearing a red and black suit with gloves that covered three of his fingers on each hand while a ruby red coat with a fur lined collar, hung from a coat stand in the corner of the room. The man sat behind a cedar desk, with gold around the edges and on the corners, in a large black leather throne looking chair.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?!" the man growled, looking up from his paperwork.

"My apologises, Shiggy." The other male stated with sarcasm.

"I told you not to call me that."

"What would you prefer me to call you than, Father? Crusty man? Handy-man?"

"Don't be a smartass, Valiant. You know I can easily get Rai to kill you."

"And that's because you wouldn't be able to bear the burden of killing your own son."

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