Chapter 14

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That afternoon as Hikori sat with his friends at in the cafeteria, Takami walked over. He seemed to be really nervous. In his hands was the note Hikori had given him that morning. MT looked up and smiled at his cousin and allowed him to sit. Iida waved and said hello, while Kirishima simply scoffed and rolled her eyes, continuing to eat her lunch.

"Hey, Takami! Did you read the note?" Hikori asked, already knowing that he did.

"Yeah... Who actually told you to give it to me?" He asked, drawing the attention of MT, Iida and even Kirishima in to curiosity.

"Can't say...!"

"Why? What was the note about, Hinote?" MT asked.

"It was something about someone saying how much they liked me. How they can never stop thinking about me. At the end they said to meet them at the sakura tree during lunch..."

"It sounds a lot like a love note to me!" Iida squealed.

"Love is stupid and a useless waste of time. It distracts you from doing what you dream of doing. Having a lover just gets into your head and in your way." Kirishima said flatly.

"So your parents just got in the way of each-other, huh?" Hikori teased.

"That's different, SPARKY! It's just my opinion."

"Anyways... Are you going to go and see them, Hinote?" MT asked.

"I dunno... I want to go but I don't want to reject them based on my sexuality. I also don't want to go but I don't want to stand them up. This is confusing." Takami explained with frustration.

"If you don't mind me asking; What is your sexuality, Takami-kun?" Iida asked sweetly.

"Sapiosexual. It means I don't find gender or sex or anything like that romantic or attractive. I find intelligence attractive instead."

"Oh! I've never heard of that kind of sexuality before! It must be difficult to find someone whose intelligence is attractive, right?"

"Kinda... I just sit and observe. If someone sparks my interest, then I'll proceed to find out more about them."

"Is your sapiosexuality towards males or females? Or even both...?"



"What about the rest of you?"

"I'm non-binary. I haven't really settled on my love preferences yet, though." Iida explained.

"Gay." Hikori said simply.

"Same." MT agreed.

"Straight Allie." Kirishima said without hesitation. "Now. Are you going to go and meet this person or what?"

"I guess I should. Could you guys come with me?"

"Sure! We can hide so it doesn't look like we're trying to be nosey." Hikori replied.


Once the group neared the sakura tree, Hikori, Iida, Kirishima and MT held back and let Takami proceed alone. Peeking around the corner of the building, they noticed that it was Togata. The males stood before each other and started talking. Hikori couldn't make out exactly what they were saying but whatever they said was getting one another flustered. After what seemed like an eternity, the two boys stood close to each-other and made their way over. Pretending to not know what was going on was the plan but Togata saw straight through the whole thing.

"Thanks for giving him the note, Kaminari." Togata said happily.

"Your welcome, although I did forget to give it to him yesterday...! I must've spaced out...!" Hikori replied, placing his hand behind his neck.

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