Chapter 33

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The following day, Mrs. Reef took both Hikori and Adelaide to the hospital. Now Hikori was walking with the woman through the hospital halls. After about 3 minutes, they had gotten to the room where Hikori found his parents. When Hitoshi and Mr. Reef turned, the red-haired male wandered over to his wife and child while Hikori stood stationary. Hitoshi wandered over to his son and wrapped him in an embrace. After a few moments of silence and hugging, Hitoshi guided his son over to Denki.

"Dad...?" Hikori croaked.

Denki lifted up and Hikori noticed he'd been crying and obviously hadn't slept at all.

"Oh... Hey buddy..."

"Are you alright...?"

"I'm fine. Just... Just tired. And stressed."

Hikori wasn't totally convinced but he didn't press the matter. Walking closer to the bed, Hikori looked at the man in the bed. He didn't look sick or dying but who was he to judge.

"Who's this?" the man asked, sounding as healthy as a horse.

"This is my son; Hikori." Denki replied.

"Hello sir." Hikori said with as much confidence he could manage.

"Such formality young man."


"Don't be. I'm your Dad's uncle; Damien."


"Don't be shy. If there's any questions you want to ask me, then ask. No harm will be done."

"... My Papa said that you were having chemo... What exactly is it for...?"

"Hikori...!" Denki gasped, slightly ready to scold his teenage son.

"Don't get made, Denki. He's just curious." Damien said sternly, before turning back to the boy. "I've got lung cancer. Hence why I'm strapped to a breathing machine."

"... Will you be OK?"

"Honestly? I don't know. Come to think of it. Are you OK? you've got a lot of scratches and cuts on your face."

Denki and Hitoshi look at their son; confusion on their faces.

"How did that happen, Hikori?" Denki questioned.

"Oh, that...?! I just had an accident back at UA, that's all. I fell through a window fighting off a villain that broke into my room." Hikori replied, casually.

The three adults looked at each other.

"Hey, Denki?" Came a voice.

"What's up, Corey?" Denki replied, turning towards the door.

"Dante, Adelaide and I are going to head home, OK?"

"Sure. See ya."



Hikori was laying in his Dad's old bed when he heard sobbing coming from downstairs. Curiosity taking hold, Hikori got up and went to see what was wrong. He was wearing a white shirt with a Pikachu face and black PJ pants patterned with yellow lightning bolts. Walking down stairs, he saw his Papa hugging his dad to his chest, rubbing circles on his back.

"Why's dad crying?" Hikori questioned, joining his Papa's side, his Dad's sobs echoing in his ears.

"His uncle died, Hikori..." Hitoshi said quietly, tears falling from his eyes and down his cheeks.

"What...?! But he was perfectly fine today...!"

"I know..."

Hikori broke down crying where he stood, an ugly sob causing his body to shake. Throwing his arm over his face, he cried into his elbow, not wanting to let his parents see the big fat tears that fell. He felt an arm pull his body. Removing his arm, he found himself in the arms of both of his parents. All three fell to their knees and Hitoshi held his shaking husband and son in his arms. He tried to hush soothing nothingness into their ears but it wasn't helping.

The family remained on the floor for what seemed like hours until Hitoshi felt a large weight against his body and in his arms. Looking down, he saw that Denki had fallen asleep along with his son. Trying to stand, he accidentally woke Hikori. The boy looked at him with red, half closed eyes. Hikori wrapped his arms and legs around his Papa, while Hitoshi placed a sleeping Denki on his back. Walking in to the spare room that the adults shared, Hitoshi placed Denki down and then Hikori, before he crawled into bed with them, resulting in trapping the boy between the adults.

Hitoshi stared at the ceiling. Denki had lost his mother when he was 16, his uncle now, his relationship with his father was terminated, so all he had left were Aizawa, Hizashi, Eri, Kota, Hikori and himself, along with their friends. A notification was sent to Denki's phone. Moving and reaching over to where Denki had placed it, he found it was a message from, probably either the hospital or one of his friends. Shaking his head, he placed it back down and continued to stare at the ceiling. Hitoshi thought about all of the bad things that had happened in his husband's life; abuse, death of his mother, his depression, anxiety, his attempted suicide, the bullying, his father trying to kill him and the family, the breakup of his friend group and now? The death of his uncle.

'Fuck Denki... you've been through hell and back more than once...' Hitoshi thought. 'What am I going to do with you?'

Closing his eyes, Hitoshi tried to get some sleep.

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