Chapter 10

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The week went by too fast for Hikori to register and before he knew it, everyone was up and early, all in their P.E uniforms. Pinky got the class together and directed them to the sports festival arena.

Once there, they all gathered in a room that had lockers, tables and chairs. This was where they would all be staying before their 1V1 matches. Mina then took them to the arch where they would wait to be called. They all hid in the shadows. A voice boomed over a loud speaker.


The class moved into the light and the sights of the crowd. Hikori recognised the voice that announced his class. He looked around at how packed the stands were and in amongst that crowd were Pro Heroes; New and Old and his Family. Eri was on standby in case accidents happened or fights got out of hand.


Hikori felt a blush heat up his cheeks when he eventually recognised the voice; His dad. Denki Kaminari. This was the first time he has heard his dad so happy for a long time. After the other classes and courses had been announced, every single one of them had been gathered together before a stage. Standing there was a woman with a short frame, dark aqua-rimmed square glasses and dark brown, almost black hair.

"Welcome everyone to the Sports Festival! My name is Infrared! You may all be familiar with how the sports festival works, and although the students have found some things different with the school based on past years here, we have decided to keep the festival the same as much as we can. I would like to welcome up Kirishima Eijitski to say a few words." The woman, Infrared, moved to the side as Kirishima walked up.

"I just wanna say that regardless of who you are or who your parents are; I'm GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!"

"I think that's enough...!" Hikori watched as Kirishima stuck out her tongue and crossed her arms over her chest as Infrared took back the microphone. "Now. LET THE SPORTS FESTIVAL BEGIN!"


Hikori stood with the other students from the other classes as they all waited for the siren to commence the race. The siren sounded and Hikori pushed through his classmates and the other students. Once he was out of the tunnel and into an open space, there were people all around him, using their quirks and everything. He stopped in place as robots, much like the ones he faced in the entrance exam, blocked their paths.

Starting to build up electricity in his hands, he stopped as he fell to his knees, much like everyone else, blocking his ears and an ear-piercing screech emerged into the chaos. Once it had died down, he looked up to see Yaoyorozu run past, other students following behind. These other students obviously stood behind her when she activated her quirk.

Standing up and shocking another robot to make it fritz, he caught a glimpse of Tori. She had her quirk activated and a magenta glow surrounded her body. Two robots rose into the air. They were getting close to her. As they were almost about to squish her, she deactivated her quirk and rolled forward, out of the way, allowing them to smash together and as a result, creating a barrier to block off some of the other students.

"Kaminari! You have to move! This is a race! If you plan on getting a good place and not get disqualified for a low placement, you have to get moving!" Tori yelled as she ran past and pulled him along.

"Thanks, Tori!"

"Don't mention it, but you owe me one!"

"Of course! Anything you want!"

The duo raced side-by-side. They reached a cavern and halted to a stop. There were wires that connected from one side to the other. There was confusion on how to get across. Glancing to his left, he watched as Adrien pulled out an old style Gameboy and waved his hand over the device. Almost immediately, a large dragon emerged with a flash. Jumping on the creature's back, he flew over the cavern.

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