Chapter 28

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The term break was over in a flash and all of the students were sitting back in class and waiting for their teacher. Hikori looked around; Kirishima was sitting at her desk and staring out of the window, Yaoyarozu was talking to Hasuki, Shiro seemed like he was upset with something but wasn't saying anything, Kendo had his head on his desk, while Yoi was nowhere to be seen. Although his friends had been punished, their punishments still applied even though they were back in the dorms. When Pinky entered the class, she seemed to take in the uncomfortable atmosphere and decided to not say anything about it just as Yoi entered the classroom at that moment and took her seat.

"How was everyone's Term Break?!" Pinky beamed, only to receive mumbles from the seated students, as if no one wanted to say anything. "Well mine was great; I had to deal with a hyperactive 12-year-old who had a sugar rush and throw a 9-year-old into the mix, and my holidays were one to remember."

Hikori heard sarcasm in his teacher's words but knew she was playing around. Deciding to not be rude about it, he raised his hand.

"I had a very interesting break, Sensei. I slept the majority of the time and developed a fear of dark empty rooms to say the least."

The class seemed to laugh at this and that's exactly what Hikori was aiming for.

"Sounds like it was also one to remember. Now, we are going to be doing a joint training with other students from other schools. Can all of you grab your appropriate Hero Costume case, grab your bags and follow me out to the bus."

Pinky pressed a button on a small remote and the wall opened up to reveal their hero costume cases. The students wandered over and grabbed their case and followed their sensei out.


When the bus pulled up to their location, all of the students stepped off. Pinky had explained to them that this was the Provisional Hero License Exam and that they would be grouped with students from different schools. The purpose of the exam was to give the students lawful permission to use their quirks for hero work outside of school, whether it be stopping mild acts like robbery to saving people in danger.

The UA students gathered together in a group and seemed to not want to interact with anyone else. A large group of students wearing pale greyish blue short sleeved shirts and black pants/skirts walked past with their teacher whom had long green hair, that looked like ivy, dressed in a white roman empress gown. She walked with her hands in front of her.

After them came a school with white shirts and black pants/skirts. On their heads were black hats with their school's emblem. A third school walked past and they were all wearing dark blue blazers with red ties and white shirts, light grey pants/skirts. A fourth school, in which seemed like an all-girls school, sauntered past. They were wearing white dresses with golden accents, ties in bows, dark navy blue long sleeved shirts and leggings with white gloves and knee high boots. They too, wore white hats with their school's emblem.

"Who are those people?" Ren asked the group.

"Don't know." Zen replied.

"Alright class! Follow me!" Pinky exclaimed. "You need to change into your hero uniforms!"


After changing into their hero costumes, the students followed their teacher into the main building and the shock of the amount of schools there sent goose-bumps flooding over Hikori's skin. He didn't know what to think. He looked around at his classmates and saw Hagakure trying to make himself look small, while Takami had his head down while his chest seemed to be rising and falling much faster than normal. Hikori tried to move to the two boys, nudging MT in the process.

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