Chapter 31

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Hikori lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling. This year has been so much fun and he was happy at how it had turned out so far. Suddenly, a shattering sound filled his room. Jumping out of bed, only in his PJ bottoms and a dark purple shirt with Mind Meddler written over the front, the moonlight illuminated his bedroom while the night breeze blew at his curtains furiously. Standing there, right in front of him, was a man with glowing golden eyes.

"Who are you?! What do you want?! How did you get in here?!" Hikori fired at the mysterious figure.

"Do you not remember me? Hikori?" the voice sneered.

Hikori was taken aback by the voice. Yes, he did know who it was.

"What do you want, Rai?"

"Oh you know~... For you to just accept the fact that your life will always be full of lies and regardless if you join us or not; someone will die. I visited your father before and my god was he not happy to see me. I used a quirk on him and, if you want him to live, then I suggest you sacrifice yourself for him. This way it'll be easier for him to just give up and accept his defeat."

"What did you do...?!"

"As I said; I used a quirk on him."

"What quirk?"

As Rai spoke, Hikori dialled the police and made sure that they could hear the whole conversation.

"Well... You know Thanos?" Rai continued.

"From the Avengers movies?" Hikori tried to drag the conversation on as much as he could.

"Yeah. One simple snap of my fingers and it'll slowly kill your father from the inside out. Destroying his organs in the most horrific and painful way."

"Don't you even fucking think about it."

"Then sacrifice your life for him. Let me kill you, then he'll kill himself, then the affect will hit his... husband... and then your whole family will follow in pursuit. Badda Bing Badda Boom. The hero society will fall."


"Don't even try. I've blocked all communication, so calling you're just draining your battery."

"Fuck... You..."

"Any last words?"

"Just one."

Hikori then screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping the boys next door and/or his sensei would hear him. Rai then jumped forward and threw Hikori against the wall, causing a loud bang. Rai then started to hit the teen, as Hikori tried to fight him off.

"KAMINARI!" Came a digital like voice.


Hikori looked through a half lidded eye in the direction of the voice and saw the other boys right there; Harinèzumi, Kendo, Togata, Shiro, Adrien, Takami and MT. the boys jumped forward and tried to get the man off of their friend.

"Where's Hagakure?" Hikori wheezed as the man was pulled off of him and the rest of the boys started to fight.

"He went to get Sensei." Togata replied, helping the boy to stay steady on his feet.

"Good." Hikori then pulled out of Togata's grip and launched himself at the man, causing him to stumble and fall out of the window, both of them cutting themselves on the already broken glass on the way down. Hikori heard cries from his male friends as he fell through the window.

"LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!" Hikori screamed as he punched the man in the face.

"The control is gone, you pathetic little brat! It'll only last for half an hour if I don't snap my fingers!" Rai cursed. "And because you didn't want to cooperate, I'm just going to have to settle on killing you, instead!"

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