Chapter 16

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Hikori sat in class the next day when his sensei walked in, a stack of envelopes in her hand. She walked around and gave them to the students, telling them not to open them, before returning to the front podium. Once she had her eyes on everyone, she allowed them to open them. Hikori turned his over and ripped it open. Pulling out a piece of paper, he saw a list of different heroes' names written in a list with the names of their appropriate agencies. Hikori suddenly clicked. These were the heroes that wanted him for internships! But he could only choose 1 to work with...

Analysing the heroes and trying to remember their quirks and what they do, he finally narrowed it down to 1... A good friend of his Dad's when he was at UA. The Hearing Hero; Earphone Jack. Satisfied with his decision. He walked up to the chalk board and, next to his name, wrote which hero he had decided to intern with. As he wrote the Hero's name, with his messy hand writing, he thought about which 1B student he'd be interning with. He really didn't want it to be Monoma. He hated that guy and was scared of him too, especially after what he did to him in the sports festival. He went and sat back down at his desk and watched others walk up and write their heroes down.

Ren- Uravity

Tori- Chargebolt

Tokoyami- Tailman

Kinzoku- Ingenium

Yoi- Creati

Hagakure- Mind Meddler

Kaminari- Earphone Jack

Supaiku- Froppy

Kendo- Ground Zero

Toga- Battle Fist

Togata- Toga

Iida- Shiro

Shiro- Okami

Adrien- Invisible Girl

Takami- Shoto

Ojiro- Tsukuyomi

Kirishima- Dabi

Midoriya-Todoroki- Red Riot

Hasuki- Grape Juice

Yaoyarozu- Cellophane

What surprised Hikori the most was the fact that Hagakure had decided to go with his papa while Tori decided to go with his dad. As he sat at his desk, trying to read which of his classmates are interning with which hero, Yaoyarozu wandered over to his desk.

"Hey, Yaoyarozu! What's up?" Hikori smiled.

"Oh nothing, except... I noticed you decided to go and intern with my mum." She replied.

"I did?!"


"I had no idea she was your MUM! I knew Creati was because you look so much like her, but Earphone Jack?!"

"Don't you remember the conversation the class had in the common room, like, on the second day of moving in?"

"Hmm... Must've spaced out and forgotten. I have a habit of doing that, sorry...!"

"No problem!"

"Cellophane, huh?"

"Yep. I figured I'd choose a hero that would help me improve both my defence and offence moves. Cellophane can do both; he can attack by binding up enemies or protect by creating safe guards or pulling people out of danger."

"Fair enough. Good choice. Who went with your other mother?"

"Yoi. She said that their quirks were similar. My mother can create different objects from her body and Yoi can create different copies of herself."

"And I'm guessing she would've chosen to intern with Twice if he was at the Sports Festival."

"No he wouldn't..." A voice laced with sadness and hurt replied.

Hikori and Yaoyarozu turned to see Toga sitting at her desk, seemingly on the verge of tears.

"What do you mean, Toga-san?" Yaoyarozu asked.

"I mean he would've been there if he was still alive."

"We're so sorry, Toga...! We didn't know..." Hikori said softly. He felt really bad.

"It was at this time last year when he died. He was saving some people with his clones when a building collapsed on him. The heroes he was working with ran over to help him but it was too late. He had died straight after the building fell on him..."

"We're so, so, so sorry, Toga...!" Yaoyarozu said once more.

"It's fine... Nobody knew. You guys are the first people outside of my family that know."

"On a more positive conversation; Who are you interning with, Toga?" Hikori questioned, trying to lift the mood.

"Battle Fist. I want to learn some hand-to-hand combat, because at the moment, I've been relying to much on my clones to fight my battles than actually doing it myself."

"Fair point."

"I'm going to go and see my friends. Hope you have a good day, Toga. See ya, Yaoyarozu!"

"Bye, Kaminari-kun."

"Thanks, Kaminari. See ya."

Hikori wandered off to find his friends. He found them hanging around suspiciously at the back of the class.

"That's SusPiCiOuS." Hikori claimed, quoting a vine meme, successfully earning a laugh from his small group of friends.

"Hello, Kami...!" Iida giggled.

"Sup, Kaminari!" MT smiled.

"Hey, Duracell." Kirishima scoffed with a hint of laughter.

"So? Who did you guys choose to intern with?" Hikori asked.

"We wrote our heroes on the board...!" the blond girl claimed. "Can't you read?!"

"Nope! Anyways, who did you guys choose?! I wanna know!"

"I chose Red Riot." MT replied.

"MY DAD?! Then again... I chose to go with your uncle; Dabi." Kirishima added.

"What about you Iida?" Hikori questioned turning in their direction.

"Shiro. I heard she was a student in the Support Course when our parents were younger. Apparently her hair can extend to unlimited lengths and be as strong as concrete, allowing her to lift her body off the ground and be used as an indestructible shield." Iida explained.

"You've done your research...!"

"Haha! Who did you choose, Kami?"

"I'm going with Earphone Jack, one of my dad's closest friends when he went here."

The group continued to talk until it was time for the next lesson.

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