Chapter 24

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As Hikori sat at the dinner table with his classmates, MT and Iida on either side of him, Hikori shoved some noodles into his mouth as he listened to the multiple conversations that were being thrown around the table. Just listening to his peers talk, did he learn more and more about his fellow heroes in training. Turns out, Hikori wasn't the only one bullied during middle school; Kirishima was bullied for her hearing disability, Harinèzumi was bullied for his Tourette's and vitiligo, Takami was socially rejected due to his dad's past and MT suffered from the side effects of the actions from another student. He also learnt that if anyone ever messed with Tokoyami's little brother, then she would seriously hurt them; one time she threw 3 teenage boys into the river because they took her little brother's glasses (in which he uses to be able to see in broad daylight).

Once everyone had finished eating, Pinky asked for a list of students whom would be spending the term break with their families so she knew how many students she would have to look after in the dorms. Turns out everyone was going home. Everyone except Shiro.

"Hmm. Is there anyone you could stay with, Shiro? Because there has to be at least 5 students staying in the dorms for me to have to stay and supervise." Pinky asked softly.

"Not really... My brother is at Uni so he can't look after me... and my mother..." Shiro replied trailing off at the end.

"What if you come and stay with me and my family for the break, Shiro?" Hikori said suddenly not really paying attention to the words coming from his mouth.

"Are you sure your parents would allow me to come?"

"If you're worried about them being homophobic, then there is nothing to worry about, because there is nothing straight about my family, except my Aunty and Uncle."

"Thanks, Kaminari. I really appreciate it."


The next day, all of the students had packed small bags to take home with them for the break. Hikori had made sure to talk to his parents and get clarification and actual permission and his dads said yes straight away. Now Hikori and Shiro were in the car with Eri, driving to the Kaminari family home. Once they pulled into the driveway, Hikori, Shiro and Eri made their way to the door and inside. Once in the house, Hikori was embraced by his dad and papa.

"Hikori! Oh how I've missed you!" Denki cried as he squeezed the life out of his son.

"You saw me a couple of days ago...!" Hikori squeaked.

"But it seemed like a lifetime ago!"

"Alright, Denki. Let him go before you squeeze him so tightly he pops. Besides, he's brought a friend." Hitoshi said as he entered the room, Aizawa, Mic and Kota following in pursuit.

"And what am I?! Chopped Liver?!" Eri pouted, only to be embraced in a hug from her family and a kiss from Kota.

"Oh right!" Hikori exclaimed as realisation hit him like a train. He turned to Shiro. "This is my friend; Shiro Tzatziki. Shiro? These are my parents-"

"Chargebolt and Mind Meddler...?! So cool...! It's nice to meet you!" Shiro interrupted.

"Nice to meet you too, Shiro!" Denki beamed as Hitoshi gave a nod.

"And these guys," Hikori continued "Are my grandparents; Aizawa and Hizashi. Also known as retired Pro Heroes; Eraserhead and Present Mic."

"And I'm Water Jet; Hikori's Uncle, but you can just call me Kota."

"It's nice to meet you all and I'm very thankful for you guys for letting me stay for the Term Break."

"Hey, Hik?" Eri asked, turning to her nephew.

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