Chapter 15

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The students sat in their common room, Eri and Pinky in there with them. Eri was using her quirk to heal the more severe injuries while Pinky simple bandaged the scratches, cuts and grazes. Hikori looked around and saw Yaoyarozu sitting on the couch, hand over the bandage on her shoulder. Pinky was wrapping a bandage around Shiro's head. The boy was wearing a baggy shirt that was too big for him. Iida was sitting down with her ankle propped up on one of the ottomans, ankle swollen. Eri was crouched by her and placed her hands on the teen's ankle, horn extending and glowing. Kirishima walked over. Her hearing aids were a plain white and her arm was in a sling.

"Didn't Eri fix your arm?" Hikori asked.

"She's only fixing the severe injuries. Besides, a dislocated shoulder isn't anything I can't handle. I used to play soccer on the weekends and after school, before moving into the dorms. A simple shoulder injury isn't that bad." Kirishima stated, taking a seat next to the boy.

"I didn't realise you played soccer...!"

"Because I didn't tell you. Do you play any sports?"


"Wanna play 20 questions?"

"Sure, but maybe not 20 questions exactly. Maybe just ask as many questions as we want...?"

"Tch. Sure. Do you have any fears?"

"... Thunder and Spiders... You?"

"I'm not scared of anything...!"

"Sure... Everyone's scared of something, Kiri."

"Nope! Not me!"

"Aw come on! There's got to be something...!"

"... Fine. There is. But if you tell anyone; I'll have your head...!"

"OK, OK...!"

"I'm not sure if it's classed as a fear as such but... I don't like being told I can't do anything because of my hearing disability. 'You can't be a hero with no hearing!' 'A deaf hero?! Who's ever heard of such a thing!' 'A hero?! Keep dreaming kid, cause that's all it's gonna be.' I hate it. I hate people doubting my abilities... I would get into fights at school because kids would say that stuff. At one point, I ended up sending one kid to the ER, with a broken arm and broken left eye socket."


"People just take one look at you and judge you just by how you look. They see one flaw and that's it. Apparently you can't do anything. You can't become a hero. You have to stop chasing your dreams..."

Hikori let the girl's words sink in. Since meeting her, Hikori thought she was this strong, feisty, hot headed, short tempered blonde, but after hearing this side, shows him that the girl has gone through so much more torment. Hatred. Bullying and all round self-crushing doubt. Without a single word, Hikori wraps his arms around her waist, causing her to cry out.

"Let go of me, Sparky!" Kirishima growled.

"Nope! Your stuck like this till I get a hug in return!" Hikori replied with cheekiness.

After a long hesitant wait, Hikori felt the arm of the girl wrap around his waist. Once she gave him the hug, he sat up, only to receive a smack to the back of the head.

"OW...! What was that for?!" Hikori cried, rubbing the, now, sore spot on the back of his head.

"No reason." The girl smirked, showing a pair of fang like teeth.


The weeks went by quickly and Hikori now stood next to his peers, across from class 1B. Why? Because the Prank War was at its end. (I couldn't be bothered writing about any more pranks so this is where it ends.)

"So in my hand I have the results for the prank war. 1B has received 30 points while my class; 1A has received a total of... 30...!" Mina revealed.

"A TIE?!" Phantom Thief exclaimed. "How are we supposed to work out who does what for who?!"

"How about we don't."

"I have an idea...!" Kendo jumped in. "Why don't we share? Like, 1A students help 1B with something when needed and vice versa?"

Pinky and Phantom thief stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before nodding their heads and agreeing.

1B said good bye to 1A, turned and left the room.

"That was a good idea, Kendo!" Hikori beamed.

"Yeah! This way, we won't have to be slaves to 1B!" Yoi added with agreeance.

"Welp. I dunno about you lot, but," Hikori let out a long yawn. "Imma go to bed for a while. Call me when dinner is ready... or don't. I don't care."

Hikori slouched out of the room, his classmates sending him 'goodnights' and 'sleep well.' Hikori just waved and disappeared down the hall.

I know. A short chapter but I didn't really know what else to put into it.

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