Chapter 25

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Hikori struggled to open his eyes, but when he did, the light stung his eyes. His head hurt and his wind pipe felt like it had a huge weight placed against it. Pulling his head up and trying to prevent it from rolling along his shoulders, he tried to move, only to find his arms tied behind him and his legs tied to a chair.

"What the...?!" Hikori whispered to himself.

A door opened and this caused him to look up from where he was only to see a group of people walk in. One had pale blue, wavy hair and scratches over his neck and face. There were three more people; one with hair similar to the man but had tanned skin, rabbit ears, piercings, tattoos and a rabbit tail on his lower back. A girl with blonde twin tails and dark brown roots stood with her arms behind her back while a boy with pale silver hair stood next to her. Another adult male with black hair and a X like scar on his face stood stationary, arms crossed over his chest. Another two males were there; one whom looked like one of those old French plague doctors Hikori had seen in movies and a man with white hair and beard stood with them.

"What do you want from me?! Let me go...!" Hikori cried, pulling on his restraints.

"AW! Isn't that cute! He's trying to pull out of his restraints!" the female smiled psychopathically.

"Do you know who we are?" the male with pale blue hair asked, his voice raspy.

"A group of fucking dumbass who thinks capturing a kid for fun is OK?" Hikori smirked, this caused some of the other people to stifle laughter.

"I, my dear boy, am Shigaraki. One of the most infamous villains Japan has ever seen."

"In that case; Do you know who I am?"

"You are the son of Chargebolt and Mind Meddler. The nephew of Eri-Chan and Water Jet." The man with the X scar began. "The grandson of Eraserhead and Present Mic... My Grandson."

"... HA HA HA HA!" was all Hikori said as a reply. Once he stopped laughing, he continued to talk. "How are you my grandfather?! I've never met you once in my entire life, not to mention my dad said that his father was in jail."

"Well then, I guess he didn't know I broke out again..."

"Alright then, If I am your grandson, what's my name?"

"Hikori Shota Kaminari."

"When's my Birthday?"

"15th of May."

"How old am I?"

"15. Turning 16."

"Who are my friends?"

"You had no friends in middle school but now you have a group of friends that respect you and love your company and friendship, but are they loyal enough to come and rescue you?"

"Ooh~! Looks like we have a loner on our hands!" The girl teased.

"Mimica. If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll get Plague to paralyse you and then I'll personally throw you off the top of this building." The rabbit threatened, pointing to the French plague doctor, as a way to emphasise his point.

"Wait a minute." Hikori gasped as the pieces fell into place. "You're Usagiyama, Ryuzu and Kimiko! The three students that enrolled late at UA! And you're... villains...?!"

"He's a smart one isn't he!" Kimiko smirked.

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing much, except... for you to betray the heroes and be our little spy. A traitor." Usagiyama explained.

"I won't do shit for you...! I'll never betray my friends, my teachers, the heroes or my parents! I've been held down for too long, and now it's my time to show those people that bullied me relentlessly that I can be a hero, despite what they said!"

"And what a better backstory that could guide one down the path of villainy."


Usagiyama then flew a punch to Hikori's face and caused a black eye to start forming over his right eye and blood trickle down his face from his nose. Hikori spat blood on the floor. The group of villains wandered out of the room and closed the door behind them.


Hours passed as Hikori sat, tied to the chair, in the empty room. He heard the door open and looked up at whom had entered. A boy with almost completely shaved hair, except for the thick, long chunk that was styled almost like a sideways Mohawk, entered. He looked around and when he saw Hikori, his eyes widened. Slinking in and closing the door, carefully, he made his way over to Hikori.

When the boy came closer, Hikori took in his features; dark aquamarine eyes with white pupils but with the addition of another thinner circular ring around them. Dark black markings were around his eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with a grey jacket, left sleeve pulled up to his elbow while the right was down to his wrist. Black shorts and red sneakers. He looked about 11.

"Hey, are you OK?!" he asked. His voice was hurried and hushed.

"Yeah I am, thanks for asking. What's your name?" Hikori questioned.

"Aiba Vel, but you can just call me Vel. You?"

"Kaminari Hikori. What's your quirk?"

"I'm actually quirkless. What's yours?"

"Electric Waves. I can electrocute my opponents and, if I want to, brainwash them to do my bidding."

"That's so cool! I understand why they'd want you to join their league."

"Why are you here? Did they kidnap you too?"

"No they didn't. I have free range in this place. My guardian is Gentle Criminal; you know, the one with the white hair and beard?"

"Oh. I thought he was done with villainy."

"He was, but he got into trouble with the police and was accused of crimes he didn't commit. So, when the L.O.V came and asked him to re-join, he accepted. My mother doesn't know about his new secret life as she's done with villainy and has instead taken a career in film-making. She leaves me with Gentle when she works but when she's not working, she home schools me. She says it's to protect me from those who don't accept quirkless people."

"I understand that... Some people can be really harsh and mean."

"I'd help you get out of here but, Shiggy will probably have my head if he knew what I'm did but I can't just stand idly by and let them hurt you."

"Then don't. I don't want you to get into trouble for helping me, honestly. I'll be fine. My dads will come for me."

"Your dads?"

"Yeah. I have two and they're Pro Heroes. They'll come for me. Just... could you loosen the bindings a bit please...?"

"Are you sure?"


Hikori waited till the boy had loosened hands and legs back from the bindings. He let out a bright smile to the boy. Vel exchanged the smile and ran off.

"See ya, Hikori."

"Stay safe, Vel."

Hikori let out an annoyed and board sounding sigh a he was once again left alone in the slightly dark room.

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