Chapter 3

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When Hikori sat at the lunch table, he wasn't alone. This time he was sitting with Iida. They were chatting about their fights in Ground Alpha and their partners.

"Togata is incredible! He can move through solid objects! He told me that he had inherited his quirk from his dad, whom just so happens to be Pro Hero; Lemillion! Isn't that amazing, Kaminari?! Kaminari?"

Hikori wasn't paying attention to what they were saying until his name was call for a third time.


"Huh?! What?! Sorry, Iida... Did you say something?"

"I was just telling you about Togata's quirk."

"Oh... Sorry. I was just lost in thought... Could you explain again, please?"

"Sure! Togata's quirk allows him to move through solid objects. I think he said the name for his quirk is... Permeation...?"

"It sounds a lot like Lemillion's quirk."

"That's because Lemillion is Togata's DAD!"

"That's so cool!"

"I know right!?"

A figure ran over to their table and tried to hide behind Hikori.

"Uhh... Hi...?"

"Hi! Sorry to do this to you, but please hide me!" the boy said.

Hikori recognised him. It was Deku's son. He decided to ask though.

"What's your name?"

"Midoriya-Todoroki Irei."

"I'm Kaminari Hikori and this is Iida Hanna. What's your quirk?"

"Fire and Ice."


QUIRK; Fire and Ice

His quirk grants him the ability to breath fire from his mouth, and when it connects with his target, it then freezes to ice. The only drawback that he has is the fact that he can't retract or melt the ice afterwards.

"May I ask why you are hiding?" Iida asked sweetly.

"I kinda have a death wish." Midoriya-Todoroki explained.

"Death wish?"

"Yeah. I kinda called Kirishima a bitchy Pomeranian and then proceeded to tell her to piss off."

"And she wants to kill you, why?"

"It's Kirishima. Her dad is Ground Zero. Both have really bad tempers and don't like being insulted, but don't mind insulting other people."

"Oh." Hikori said. "Hey! Mind if I call you MT? You know, instead of calling you Midoriya-Todoroki every time?"


"TODODEKU!!!" screeched a female voice. (yes I did just use Todoroki and Midoriya's ship name as Eijitski's nickname for Irei)

"Shit...! Hide me!"

A blonde stormed over to the table. "Don't think you can hide from me you shithead! I can see you."

MT emerged from his hiding place and tried to hide behind Hikori, whom was sitting down.

"H-hey...! Kirishima...! Look. I apologise for what I said...kinda..."

"Good enough. Just watch your mouth. Move."

Kirishima shoved her way onto the chair next to Iida and Hikori allowed MT to sit next to him. Hikori looked at them all. Kirishima; Daughter of Ground Zero. Iida; first born child of Ingenium and Cellophane. MT; Son of Deku. And himself; Hikori, son of Chargebolt and Mind Meddler. All kids of famous pro heroes. They all shared a similar trait with each other.

"So? Who are you? I recognise Battery Box from our training exercise and TodoDeku and I are childhood friends. Explain." Kirishima said flatly, turning towards Iida.

"Iida Hanna! My parents are Ingenium and Cellophane. I also go by They/Them pronouns." They beamed.

"By the way? My name is Kaminari Hikori. My parents are Chargebolt and Mind Meddler." Hikori said with a frown.

"So what?"

"Hey!" Iida exclaimed. "We should make our own squad!"

"Why would we do that?" Kirishima barked.

"Oh shut up, Kirishima! Just listen!" MT snapped back. "As you we saying, Iida?"

"Think about it. Our parents were in squads. Cellophane, Chargebolt and Ground Zero were in a squad with Sensei Ashido and Red Riot. They were called the Bakusquad. Deku, Ingenium and their other friends, Uravity, Froppy and Shoto were known as the Dekusquad."

The other three looked at each-other.

"Wouldn't it make sense for their kids to continue with that and make a squad together?" Iida continued. "I mean my parents were in two different squads but their relationship brought the two squads together!"

Hikori smiled. It wasn't a bad idea. MT seemed to like the idea to.

"Fine." Kirishima said flatly. "But if we are to do this then we are to be called The Kirisquad."

"Of course you want the squad to be named after you." MT sighed with annoyance. "Why don't we call it The Iidasquad? Considering it was Iida's idea to form the squad."

"But I must admit," Hikori began, "The Iidasqaud doesn't really have that good of a ring to it, compared to The Kirisquad."

"I don't really care what the squad is called." Iida sighed. "As long as we settle on a name."

"Kirisquad it is then!" Kirishima beamed, revealing a set of sharp fangs.


When Hikori stepped through the front door that afternoon, he found the house empty. Walking into the kitchen, looking for something to eat, he found a note on the fridge door. He pulled it from the magnet and read what was written.

Hey, Buddy!

Your dad and I were called out to deal with a villain attack. Not sure what time we'll be home.

There is left overs in the fridge if we're not home by dinner.

- Papa

Hikori screwed up the note and threw it into the bin. He headed to his room, only to have Bandit wrap around his legs and Ash not far behind. Bandit had grown up to be a sleek young playful cat, while Ash had grown to become old and tired. His dads warned him that Ash may not live for much longer, being as old as she is, but Hikori believed she would last a little longer.

Sitting in his gaming chair, he patted the cats fur with long stokes.

As the night progressed, he made himself dinner and was already in bed, fast asleep by the time his parents got home.

Sorry for the long wait for the update.

I noticed that this chapter is pretty short but it's the best I can do.


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