Chapter 30

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The months went by quickly. Lots of things had happened; His and some of his classmates' birthdays, more training, more interactions with 1B and other schools and classes. The class sat in their seats as Pinky walked in.

"Ohayō everyone!" Pinky smiled.

"Ohayō, Sensei!" the class chorused.

"I would like you all to work on a class project today."

"What is it sensei?" Iida questioned.

"Well, it is for all of you to think of what you want to do for the upcoming school festival."

The students all looked at each other with excitement.

"What have classes in the past done, Pinky Sensei?" Yaoyarozu asked.

"When I was here, my class did a band with Jiro, Denki, Tokoyami, Bakugo and Momo while I taught the rest of the class show to dance. Our 1B class then did a play called; Romeo, Juliet, & the Prisoner of Azkaban: The Return of the Kings. A combination of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Lord of the Rings; Return of the Kings by J.R.R. Tolkien. It was very interesting to say the least. There was also a beauty pageant with Kendo form 1B and Hado-chan from the 3A third Years."

"WOW! That's sounds like so much fun!" Hasuki smiled, tail wagging furiously.

"It was very fun." Pinky laughed. "Now. What do you guys want to do? It can be anything you want!"

"Wait. Sensei?"

"Yes, Kaminari?"

"You said my dad was part of the band, but who could he when he moved to Australia?"

"This was before he moved away and before we found out about everything."

"Oh. OK...! In that case; What did my Papa do? Cause I'm guessing he wasn't in the class at that time...?"

"No, he wasn't. instead, his class made a haunted house."


The students then gather together and started to think of what they wanted to do. There were so many possibilities but A) they didn't know what other classes were doing and B) they didn't want to risk copying anything from the last few years.

"How about a photo booth?" Ren asked, playing with her hair.

"Seems to simple." Zen replied.

"... How about we do something to honour our parents?" Ojiro stated.

"Like what?" Tori asked.

"And besides, how are the rest of us going to be involved? Not all of our parents became pro heroes, never alone got into UA." Adrien added.

"The how about we do something to honour Sensei's class instead?" Hikori said, changing the idea a bit.

"As I said before; Like what?" Tori asked again.

"How about some sort of Cosplay performance?" MT offered.

"I'm liking the idea...!" Yoi smiled.

"We could dress up as the heroes from the class and maybe put on a performance." Hikori continued.

"Maybe we could sing a song?" Togata added.

"Or maybe we could rap...?" came a small, quiet voice.

"What was that, Hinote?" Togata questioned as he turned to his boyfriend.

"I said maybe we could rap? We could dress up as the respective hero from Sensei's class and come up with a small rap for each of them and perform it."

"I love the idea!" Yaoyarozu beamed. "I can get my mum to help come up with the lyrics!"

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