Chapter 18

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The next day, Hikori was once again working with Earphone Jack and Kohei whom, today, was going by She/Her pronouns. They were currently running alongside the pro hero. They were simply sitting in Earphone Jack's office when a phone call caused them to run out. A pro hero was fighting against a villain and needed help. The pro hero? Hikori didn't know, so he and Kohei were simply running into the unknown. The trio turned a corner and, there before them, was a villain and they were HUGE. They sort resembled what Hikori thought look a lot like Godzilla. They were towering over everything, including some of the buildings. Below the creature, beng careful not to be crushed, were three other Pro Heroes; Toga, a wolf hero and a hero with white hair. With them were the students they had taken for internships. Running over, Kohei in tow and Earphone Jack joining the heroes, Hikori stopped before them, out of breath.

"Jet Stream! Click! Phase!" Hikori gasped

"Shockwave!" Phase, Togata Dai, exclaimed. "Who's this?"

"This is Arty."


"Hey." Kohei, Arty, replied back.

"KOHEI!" came the cry of an unknown voice.

Turning around, Hikori saw three other people running over. One had the head of a sphinx, another had medium length, red hair while the third had light purple wavy hair.

"Guys! What's going on?!" Kohei gasped.

"I was simply scouting with Pro Hero Shiro and Jet Stream when we saw this villain causing a ruckus." The Sphinx kid explained, pointing to the pro hero with white hair that was growing longer every second.

"Uh... Arty?" Hikori asked. "Who are these people? You seem to know them."

"Oh!" Arty turned towards Hikori. "These are my classmates; The Sphinx is Horikoshi Hatori, or Anubis,"

"I go by They/Them pronouns, even though I'm Genderfluid." Anubis added.

"The one with red hair is Yuzu Aruko, Tox being her hero name. and finally, this is Takahashi Akemi, Hero Name; Glaze."

"I'm interning with Phase and Pro Hero Toga." Glaze explained with a flat tone. Hikori realised he looked a lot like his papa with his hair.

"And that would leave me; Tox, to be interning with the Wolf Hero; Okami and the lovely 1A student; Click."

Hikori noticed Tox had a male's voice.

'Maybe she's trans...? Like Shiro...' Hikori thought. He shook his head and shook out of his thoughts.

"Shockwave! Arty! Time to show each-other what your quirks are made of!" Earphone Jack yelled.

The duo locked eyes. A cheeky smirk slipped onto Hikori's face while Kohei gave a nod. The duo ran off, the other kids following in pursuit. Building electricity up in his hands, he saw Iida run past, with Togata, Yuzu, Horikoshi, Akemi and Arty. He noticed the Pro Heroes; Earphone Jack, Okami, Shiro and Toga fighting the Godzilla villain.

Running up the leg of the creature, Hikori shocked the villain. Jumping back off, he watched as Togata moved into the ground but re-appeared near the creature's foot, landing a punch to the villain, only to be thrown across the ground, landing against a wall. Iida tried to wrap the villain's feet together with their tape but unfortunately it teared apart like wet paper.

Running over to provide assistance to Togata, he watched as Horikoshi, Anubis, sent a swarm of Scarab Beetles towards the beast, while a cloud of green toxic mist, sent Hikori's eyes watering and let out a cough. The source came from the girl with red hair. But the quirk that amazed him the most was Arty's. She was painting on the ground with orange paint. It was a large piece of art. As she twirled the paintbrush and put it back in her pocket, the lion peeled itself from the ground and charged at the villain.

It took the combined skills and quirks of 4 different pro heroes and 8 heroes in training to take down the villain and hand him over to the police. The pro heroes were giving details to the police while the heroes in training were talking and catching their breath.

"Geez...! He took forever to take out...!" Iida said, taking a deep gasping breath.

"Stupid Godzilla looking ass bitch..." Hikori muttered. "That was more difficult than what I was expecting."

"It was nice working with you guys." Yuzu smiled.


Earphone Jack and the other Pro Heroes wandered over.

"You guys can come back with me to my Agency and you guys can all catch the bus back to UA from there, OK?" Earphone Jack explained.

The kids nodded and followed the pro back to her agency.


That afternoon, as the 1A class sat in their common room, Hikori just slumped over the couch but realised to late that he was laying across MT's lap. Realising what he had done, a hot flush entered his face as a strong gay panic decided to say hello. Lifting up, he noticed that MT's face was also as red as a tomato.

"MT exe. Has stopped working." Hikori smirked.

"Fuck Off...!" MT cursed, voice resembiling something of panic and covered his face with his hands and pushed Hikori off of him and the couch in the process.

"Hey...! OUCH!"

Hikori hit the ground hard. Lifting up, he placed a hand on his back and watched as Mt disappeared from the room.

"Hey! MT?!" He called but let his voice lower to a tone that implied talking to himself. "What was all of that about? Did I do something wrong?"

"Hey, Kaminari!" came a kind, cheery voice. Toga Chisuke. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the trio-hair coloured male on the floor. "Why are you on the floor?"

"I live here now." Hikori replied, smirk coming back and a playfulness at his voice.

"Oh! Ok then. Send me the address and I'll send you a letter."

The pair laughed.

"But seriously. Why were you on the floor." Toga pulled the boy to his feet.

"MT pushed me off the couch before racing off." Hikori replied.

"Oh... Do you know why?"

"I laid on the couch, not realising he was there. He told me to fuck off and then, as I said, pushed me off the couch and raced off. He seemed to have a memory enter his mind as his voice resembles one of panic."

"That's not good... Maybe something happened in middle school that he didn't like or prefers not to remember, or maybe even something that happened during his internships."

"Maybe. You looking forward to tomorrow?"

"Yep! Even though it's only been two days, I'm actually learning a lot from Battle Fist! What about you?"

"It's great. I actually fought a villain today with Earphone Jack. We were aiding Okami, Shiro and your mother!"

"Sweet! Who's your partner? You know, the 1B student you're working with?"

"Her name is Kohei Takaya. She's Genderfluid and her quirk is amazing. I don't exactly know what it is but from what I gather; she can paint anything she wants and bring it to life...!"

"So cool!"

"What about you? Who's your partner?"

"Shimura Naoko. Her quirk is Zombie. She can have her arms or legs taken of and she simple reattaches the limp to her body and it'll be as if nothing had happened."

"Gross, but Fucking AMAZING!"

Hikori continued to talk to Toga but his mind kept thinking of MT's behaviour. He acted strange. He had never seen him act like that, even though it's only been not even a term yet, but the boy was pretty open about everything. So why was he acting differently? Shaking his head, he continued to do what he was doing.

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