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So this is her, Sasha thought as she stared at the woman before her, a mix of emotions coursing through her. This is the bitch that got him so fucked up. And she was gorgeous, just like she'd expected. Like Danielle. Like Chrissy. Looks-wise, her boyfriend sure knew how to pick 'em. And now that she had finally put a face to the name, she was already thinking up of ways to rearrange it.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in the calmest possible way, wondering how long she would stay calm for. She shut the door behind her, blocking the door handle in case the trick was having any smart ideas.

Andrea continued to smile that sickly sweet smile. "Joe and I are old friends," she explained. "We lost touch a long time ago. I happened to be in town and wanted to see how he was doing."

"He's doing fine, no thanks to you."

The intruder started to speak again, then stopped short, her features suspicious. "I'm sorry...who are you exactly?"

"I'm his girlfriend, and I also happen to live here," Sasha replied, crossing her arms. The Jezebel in front of her did not deserve to know her name, let alone be on first-name terms with her. "And I know who you are. You ain't no friend. You got some nerve showing your face around here. You really think after what you did to him, he'd want anything to do with you?"

Andrea raised an eyebrow. "Look, lady. I don't have no problem with you. I just want to talk to Joe for a minute, so if you could just let me come in-"

"I wouldn't let you in here if the rest of the damn world was on fire," Sasha snapped. Who the hell did this little heffa think she is? Sasha had a mind to smack her hard enough to send her tumbling down the front steps, then call up Trinity so she could come finish the job. If the Orlando native knew Andrea was here, Sasha knew she would immediately hop on the next flight from whatever city she was at so she could come down here and beat her ass herself. But she didn't need Trinity. If push came to shove – and oh, she hoped it did – she could handle it all by herself.

Meanwhile Andrea continued to stand there defiantly, sizing Sasha up. "So he's told you about me and what happened," she said. She sounded almost...proud. "Not that it's any of your business, but you wouldn't understand-"

"I understand fine," Sasha interrupted. "I got two children of my own, none of whom were planned. But I kept them both because I'm not a savage that would tear my own body apart just because I wasn't getting my way in life."

Andrea tossed her dark hair back, her hazel eyes flashing with anger. "I'm sorry lady, but you have no right to judge me. You don't know me, neither do you know my side of the story."

"And I don't care to know your side. It's your word against his and last I checked, my loyalty lies with him. He's never had a reason to lie to me." Sasha's fists itched for some action. There was an inexplicable air of arrogance and amusement exuding from this woman that grated her nerves with each passing second.

Andrea leveled the older woman with a glare. "You do know nobody's perfect, right? Not me, not you, and certainly not your boyfriend. Since he's never lied to you, I guess he's told you all about his constant partying and drinking and pill-popping. Maybe he's still at it and you've seen it for yourself. If that's the case, you're stronger than you look, sticking by him, exposing your kids to that. The traveling must suck too. Him being away all the time? Surely you must wonder what he's up to, who he's with. How have you been coping with that? Or are you simply ignoring it all and only sticking around so you can leech off his fame and money?"

Sasha had to look around to find out who the fuck she was talking to. Her voice was calm but it dripped with venom and murderous intentions. "First of all, bitch, you ever speak that way to me again, I will knock your ass out. You should be on your hands and knees begging for his forgiveness, not running your mouth and acting like your shit don't stink. Second, I know what's going on with him, and he knows about me. That's because we actually talk. We sit down and communicate and work things out. And don't even try to make this about me. This is about you showing back up three years after murdering the baby of the man you claimed to love – your baby – in cold blood. And you talk about me leechin'? You stand there talking about his shortcomings as if it should justify what you did, and if you really believe that, then little girl you are more evil than I've always imagined you to be." She stepped right up to her until they were nose to nose. "Now, are you gonna leave or do I have to make you?"

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