Let Them Know You're Mine(✨)

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By:@/RightNow2808 on AO3


Harry and Louis get in a fight with the CEO of the M!M. Louis punches him in the jaw and after he leaves the office Harry fucks his boyfriend on the office desk. Hard.

Work Text:

»Baby, wake up.«

Louis grunted and turned around, purposely ignoring the voice that was whispering into his ear. Harry smiled, when his boyfriend curled like a small kitten and ran his hand up Louis' spine.

»Lou. We have to get up,« he murmured. The smaller boy only shook his head and nuzzled his face into the pillow. Harry had to stop himself from reaching on the nightstand for his phone to take a photo of Louis, because he knew how much Louis hated it and he didn't want to make Louis grumpy at seven AM.

"Louis, please. They're going to kill us if we're late again," Harry begged quietly, but Louis kept ignoring him, until Harry finally gave up and climbed off the bed. "You have five more minutes, baby. And if you're not awake by then I swear to god that I will drag you out myself." Louis showed him his middle finger, making Harry roll his eyes as he went into the bathroom. He sometimes questioned himself why he even put up with that boy, but then he remembered how much he loved him and he spent the rest of the day with a bright smile on his face. Harry pushed the boxers he was wearing down his legs and turned on a shower. While he was waiting for the water to turn warm he brushed his teeth and shaved, before stepping into the shower, under the warm stream of water. He quickly washed off his body, but just as he was about to start washing his hair, the doors of the shower opened and Louis stepped inside, rubbing at his eyes. Harry smiled, resisting the urge to coo at how cute Louis looked. The older man just gave him a glare, before he grabbed the shampoo from Harry's hands and spun him around. He started washing Harry's hair, just in the way he knew Harry liked. Harry gave a gentle purr when Louis' finger massaged his scalp, closing his eyes.

"What happened to we're going to be late?" Louis laughed when Harry whined as he stopped and pushed Harry under the stream of water. Louis quickly washed himself and a few minutes later they stepped out of the shower, drying themselves off. Harry left Louis alone, so he could shave and brush his teeth, while he went into the kitchen to prepare them small breakfast, knowing that they will have to sit in the office for more than an hour. His hair was still a bit wet, but it didn't bother him. He didn't have the patience to blow-dry them anyway.

They left the house twenty minutes later, in Harry's car with tinted windows. And they were late. Instead of at eight, they arrived fifteen past eight, but neither cared much. Louis felt shivers going up his spine at the sight of the big building that was just standing there, like it was waiting to ruin their lives. Louis didn't get much time to think about everything that could happen there. Harry grabbed his hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing the tips of Louis fingers.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Lou. I love you," Harry murmured quietly. Even though Louis nodded firmly, they both knew that all of Louis' usual insolence disappeared. Harry grabbed Louis' chin with his fingers and turned Louis' head towards himself. He kissed his lips gently, their hands joining. "We'll be okay."

They had to let go of each other's hands and climbed out of the car, surprised when nobody jumped them right away. They walked right through the door, heads held high. The woman at the receptionist's desk smiled at them, it was a fake one though and Louis couldn't help but glare at her. She led them towards the elevators and then into the fourteenth floor, where they already knew that the office of the CEO was.

"I fucking hate him," Louis whispered into Harry's ear, ignoring the pointed look he got from the woman standing beside them. Harry only smiled sadly and grabbed Louis' head, intertwining their fingers.

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