Chapter 6- I told him the truth

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Chapter 6

3 days later

I hadn’t ate anything in 3 days because I knew if I did I would feel like a cow. Ella went to Ireland for 3 weeks with Niall to meet his family.

I didn’t tell anyone about the hate, not even Ella because I knew for a fact she would have never gone to Ireland.

My mum doesn’t know anything about it either. She just thinks I have a cold. Harry doesn’t know but he knows I’m not ready to talk about it, so he just comforts me when I need it.

2 weeks later

Ella’s been gone for 2 weeks. I miss her like hell, but I know this is for her best because I don’t want her seeing me like this. I haven’s eaten one thing sense I read those tweets. Harry cant tell because I’ve been wearing really really baggy clothes so he wont notice.

You’re probably wondering how many pounds I’ve lost? Well I went from 125 to 106, so that’s 19 pounds I’ve lost. I’ve decided to go get some fresh air and go for a walk. I put on leggings with a tank top on with a sports bra.

I went downstairs to find the boys in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

When they heard footsteps they all turned around and their jaws dropped.

Harry POV

What happened to Abby? She is skin and bones. What happened to my curvy and healthy girlfriend?

I gave all the guys a look and they knew to leave us alone.

After they left, I grabbed Abby’s fragile hand and walked her to the island. I picked her up and sat her on it. She was as light as a feather.

Abby POV

He’s staring at me. Confuse and hurt are flashed through his eyes.

It’s like he’s observing me. Am I still fat? Do I need to loose more weight?

“Why are you doing this to yourself?” Harry whispered to me while rubbing the back of my hand gently. What does he think he might break me or something?

“I-I’m not doing anything H-H-Harry.” I whispered to him.

“Abby how much weight have you lost?” He was talking at a normal volume now.

“Harry its nothing I’m fin-”

“No Abby. Tell me how much weight have you lost?” he cut me off.

“19 pounds” I barely made it audible for him to hear, but he heard.

“19 pounds! Abby why are you doing this to yourself?” he normally spoke

My vision got blurry and my bottom lip quivered.

“Babe are you okay?” Harry whispered, and that’s when I lost it. Tears were coming our of my eyes and down my cheeks like a never ending waterfall.

He pulled me close and just held me until I stopped.

“Now can you tell me?” Harry gently said to me.

“uh-hh y-y-eah I-I guess.” he nodded waiting for me to continue.

He was holding both my hands and we were looking directly into each others eyes.

“During junior high and the first year of high school, I was bullied really bad. I was cyber bullied by a group of popular girls and they would do it in school too. They would get pictures of cows and pigs and tag me in them and say this is you. There would be so many comments agreeing with them. When I was in school, I would sit in class and get paper thrown at me saying ’Flabby Abby’ and ’moo’ and ’Flabbagail’. All thing like that. I went on twitter after you announced our relationship public and I was reading all the hate, which dint bother me. But then I got to a tweet from my hate page saying all those names again and I just lost it. I went into an eating disorder in 7th grade and was anorexic. Ella and my mum would spend hours trying to get me to eat.” I whispered to him.

I didn’t realize I was crying until he wiped my tears away. I looked up and saw his emerald green eyes now glossy. A few tears running down his cheeks and I wiped them away.

“Abby listen to me. You are beautiful and funny and smart and amazing. I love you so much. I don’t want you to hurt yourself because of some jealous people. Their not fans if they are giving the person I love, hate.” Harry smiled down at me.

“Y-y-you l-l-love me-e?” I stuttered and blushed. He blushed and looked down.

“Yes Bee I love you so much baby girl.” Harry smiled then gave me a passionate but gently kiss on the lips.

“I love you too Hazza.” I smiled.

“I’ll help you get through this. I promise” he said.

“Pinki swear?” I asked as I held out my pinky.

“Pinki swear” he said as he locked pinkies with mine.

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