Chapter 18- I never thought that you'd be the one to hold my heart

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A/N: This chapter is named after Christina Perri's 'Arms'! The link is on the side. PLEASE LISTEN TO IT BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER! Thank You!!!! Okay.. here's the chapter! 


2013 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 18

Abby POV

Its been 2 weeks sense I had been found. My lip and bruises are all healed up. Mum and Lou went back to Rhode Island yesterday after a lot of convincing. Our dad is now in jail for many years, along with Ron. Turns out he was from another girl my dad dated before our mum. It took us a while to get over Ron because we trusted him and he betrayed us.

Erin is doing alright too. Her and Zayn went on a date a few days ago and they seem to really like each other.

Harry has taken me on numerous amount of dates. My favorite one was that we went on THE LONDON EYE! That has always been a dream place for me to go! It was amazing! We had dinner while looking out at the fireworks that Harry had personally ordered to set off.

Niall took Ella out on many dates too. He took her to Nando’s (of course), even to Paris for three days, but they are back now.

Louis and El went to Paris too for a little getaway too, while Liam and Dan went to Dan’s parents house for a little vacation.

We’re all back under the same roof now. I’m in Louis and Harry’s flat alone because the boys are recording and the girls are doing their own thing.

As I walked by the guest bedroom, the one I’m supposed to stay in, I see a guitar sitting in the corner of the room. I’ve played guitar ever sense I was 11 years old.

I decided to go over and play it. (A/N: The song she will be playing is Christina Perri- Arms. I do not own this song!)

As I was strumming the guitar, I decided to sing whatever lyrics came to my head.

I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart

But you came around and you knocked me off the ground from the start

You put your arms around me

And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go

You put your arms around me and I'm home

How many times will you let me change my mind and turn around?

I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown

I hope that you see right through my walls

I hope that you catch me 'cause I'm already falling

I'll never let a love get so close

You put your arms around me and I'm home

The world is coming down on me and I can't find a reason to be loved

I never wanna leave you but I can't make you bleed if I'm alone

You put your arms around me

And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go...

I hope that you see right through my walls

I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling

I'll never let a love get so close

You put your arms around me and I'm home

I tried my best to never let you in to see the truth

And I've never opened up

I've never truly loved 'til you put your arms around me

And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go

I hope that you see right through my walls

I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling

I'll never let a love get so close

You put your arms around me and I'm home

You put your arms around me and I'm home

I grabbed the pen and notebook off of the night stand and wrote the lyrics I just sang, down. I’ve written plenty of songs throughout the years, but never one that had so much meaning behind it. It has so much love and passion behind the words. I’ve written a song based on me and Harry’s relationship. I feel safe in his arms. I never thought I would be able to trust a guy after what my mum went through with my father. When Harry came into the picture, all of that just….. went away.

“You were amazing.” Harry gushed. My head whipped around to the doorway and sure enough, he was there.

“Y-you h-heard?” I stuttered. I was shocked to say the least. “I thought you guys were at the studio recording?”

“We were but Simon said we could all go home early.” Harry said while coming to sit down next to me. “Why didn’t you tell me you could sing and play like that?”

“Cuz’ you’re Harry Styles.” I said in a ’duh’ tone.

“Abby, you’re really good. Did you write that?” he asked me while putting a piece of hair that fell in front of my face, behind my ear.

“Uh.. Yeah” I said, unsure of what he might think.

“That was bloody brilliant! Please play it again for me?”

Oh goodness! I cant play in front of him even though I just did BUT I didn’t know he was listening! AAHH!

“Harry… I-I-I-I’m not sure.” I admitted shyly.

“Please Bee! That was great! Please for me?” He asked while putting his hands together and battling his eyelashes. His bottom lip was puffed out.. Aww he looked so cute!

“I don’t know.”


“Okay fine.. Just don’t laugh if I mess up okay?”

“I wont I promise.” he said while giving me room to play the guitar.

(A/N: She sang the whole song BUT I didn’t want to bore you with the lyrics again.)


You put your arms around me and I'm home





Those were some of the comments the lads and girls have thrown out when I was done. During the song, they all came in to listen.

“I know right! Isn’t my twin amazing?!?!?!?!?” Ella shouted while giving me a hug. Back home she always listened to me sing and play my guitar.

“Thanks guys but its just a song I wrote, no big deal.” I said while blushing.

“NO BIG DEAL?!?!? That was bloody amazing Abby!” Louis screamed.

“I recorded it! We have to show Simon!” Zayn yelled. All the lads and girls nodded in agreement.

“Oh no! no! no! no! no! no! no! Guy’s really its fine!” I said while desperately jumping up to try to get Zayn’s phone but it was no use, he’s too tall.

“Too late! I already sent it to his e-mail and his number.” Zayn smirked.

“UGH! That’s Simon Cowell for crying out loud! What makes you think he want’s to listen to someone like me?” I asked him.

“Because you’re freaking amazingly good!” he said while the smirk was still playing on his face.


A/N: Hey readers!!! I hope you guys listened to the song :) ... Anyways please spread the word about my fanfics and read my other story called 'She Will Be Loved'.. Thank you! READ, COMMENT, VOTE.. etc..


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