Chapter 17- Where am i?

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A/N: I didn't loose power! Sorry to anyone who did :( .... BUT we did get 3 1/2 feet of snow..YES I SAID FEET!!!! I've never seen so much snow!!!! Anyways here's the chapter :)


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Chapter 17

Ella POV

I called our mum and told her everything. Her and Lou are on their way to London right now. All the lads are here, along with their girlfriends. The only one that isn’t here is Ron, he went to do some errands.

Harry’s a wreck. He hasn’t ate anything sense Abby was taken but then again neither have I. We are still at the police station, we haven’t left and we won’t. Abby was taken 36 hours and 22 minutes ago to be exact. Yes I’ve been counting. I want my sister back. I need my sister back.

“Good news! We have a location on the van.” The detective said. Harry and I stood up immediately.

“You do?” Harry asked while grabbing my hand.

“Yes! Are you ready?” The detective asked us.

“Absolutely!” I said. All the lads piled in the van while Harry and I got into the detectives car. I’m finally going to see my twin sister again.

Abby POV

I don’t know how long I’ve been here but its been a while. I’m so thirsty. My mouth is so dry.

I’m in a basement I think because it’s cement. It’s really dark so I can barely see a thing. My hands are tied behind my back and I have rope tied around my ankles.

I heard the door creak open so I looked up to find my father standing right before me.

I looked away because I didn’t want to see his face.

“Look at me.” He firmly stated while gritting his teeth together.

“No.” I whispered.

“I said look at me!” His voice rose and next thing I felt was a sting to the right side of my cheek. He had just slapped me. My own father just slapped me. I choked back sobs, I cannot cry in front of him. I won’t show him my weakness. I felt another sting on the same spot as a couple of seconds ago but harder this time. The impact was so hard my body went from a sitting position to me laying on the floor.

“Get up.” He seethed.

“I can’t” I whispered barely audible.

“I said get up!” He screamed while pulling my hair to make me sit up. I had tears quietly pouring down my cheeks but I didn’t dare to open my mouth to yell at him because I can‘t trust my voice right now.

The door creaked open again and someone had come in with a blue hooded sweatshirt on with a mask that looked like a bank robber. There’s more of them? What am I going to do? Am I going to die? Is he going to kill me?

I want Mum. I want Ella. I want Lou. I want Harry. I want someone. I need someone.

“Hello Beebee” The man in the blue sweatshirt said to me while bending down next to me. He stroked my cheek to get rid of my tears while he ran his hand through my hair. I tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let me. Wait a minute.. I know that voice. Why does that voice sound so familiar????

“Who are you?” I whispered as my lower lip quivered.

“Nobody.” he said while getting up and pulling my hair in the process making me yelp in pain.

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