Chapter 9- I hope she says yes!!

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Chapter 9

Abby POV

“Wake up Bee. I made breakfast for you and everyone’s waiting in the dining room for you.” I heard Harry whisper in my ear while rubbing his hand through my hair and kissing me on the cheek.

“Mhhmm okay.” I mumbled while stretching out my limbs and arms.

I gave him a kiss on the lips and we got up from the couch, walked hand and hand to the dining room.

“Well if it isn’t Bee. How was your ‘beauty’ sleep?” Louis asked me while putting air quotes around ‘beauty‘.

As I sat down in my seat I responded with “It went well until you and Zayn decided to play your little stupid prank on us.”

“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad” Zayn said while getting some scrambled eggs from the middle of the table.

“Well when you are a girl like me who doesn’t sleep when she watches movies like Friday the 13th then yes it is bad.” I said while eating an English muffin.

“So anyways are we going to ask them or what?” El said to the guys and Dan.

“Ask us what?” Ella said with a mouth full of breakfast sausage.

“Well we have a question that we’ve been waiting to ask you guys .” Liam said.

“Okay what is it?” I said while looking at Liam and waiting for him to continue.

“Sense you guys are on summer vacation for another 6 weeks, we were all wondering if you wanted to come to London so we could show you around because you guys have showed us around here? We will return the favor.” Liam said while smiling at Ella and I.

Me and Ella looked at each other and jumped out of our seats while smiling widely. We ran to each other and hugged like there is no tomorrow.

“We have to ask our mum but I think she will say yes! So yes yes yes yes! We will so go to London with you guys for 6 weeks!!!” Ella answered and took the words right out of my mouth.

“AAHHHH we’re going to London for 6 weeks!” I screamed and ran to Harry and wrapped my legs around his waist. I put my face in the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent.

“Yes you are and I will show you all around London. I promise.” Harry said.

“Pinky promise?” I asked while sticking out my pinky.

“Pinky promise.” he said while wrapping his very huge pinky around my very tiny one.

Ella POV

The boys and Dan and El went out for a little while so Bee and I could have a talk with our mum about going to London for 6 weeks for our summer vacation.

We were now sitting on the couch after finishing washing the dishes from breakfast and putting the pillows and blankets away from the sleepover. Out mum just pulled into the driveway so we shut off the TV and wait for her to walk through the door.

“Hey girls!” mum said when she saw us sitting on the couch.

“Hey mum!” Bee and I said in unison.

“Can we talk to you for a second?” I asked my mum while patting on the space between me and Bee for her to come and sit down.

“Sure thing sweetie! What’s up?” she said while taking a seat

“This morning the boys and Dan and El had asked us if we could go to London with them for 6 weeks because we are on summer vacation. Sense we showed them around our home town they want to show us around London?” Bee said while staring intentionally at my mum to try and see what she was thinking.

“And you girls want to go to London for 6 weeks to explore?” Mum asked us.

“Yes mum. Please we will take lots of pictures and talk to you as much as we can. Please?” I said while taking her hand in mine and Bee doing the same to our mums other hand.

“Well if you guys want to I will let you go. I trust Niall to keep you safe.” she said while looking at me. “And I trust Harry to keep you safe.” she said while looking at Bee.

“Really mum?!? You’re letting us go!” Bee practically screamed.

“Yes you guys can go. Under one condition.” Mum said while turning serious again.

“Anything!” Bee and I said in unison.

“You will be careful! And do not go out at night alone. And I want you guys to always be with someone over there. Whether its with the boys or with each other. Or with El or Dan okay?” Mum said.

“Yes mum we will.” I answered.

“Pinky promise?” Mum said while sticking out both her pinkies for Bee and I.

“Pinky promise.” Bee and I said together while locking our pinkies with our mum.

We jumped on our mum and gave her the biggest hug we ever gave her.

“When are you guys going to leave?” Mum asked us.

“If you said yes we were going tomorrow.. So tomorrow.” I said.

“Okay lets get packing.” Mum said.


A/N: i hope you guys like my first story so far! please vote :)

HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY HARRY STYLES! I can't believe it was already a year ago he was holding a sign saying "im legal" haha .... anyways vote and spread the word please? I love you guys xx

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