Chapter 19- SYCO Records.. and THE SIMON COWELL

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Chapter 19

Abby POV

After Zayn sent Simon that video, he had called him and said he wanted to meet with my at SYCO Records. I hope he says he likes it instead of saying he doesn’t. I’m so nervous! THIS IS SIMON COWELL WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE!

Ella is driving me to the office right now in Harry’s Range Rover because the boys have an interview to go too and I was too tired to drive. I was up all night practicing my song. The boys are meeting us at SYCO Records after. Erin is out shopping for shoes this morning, Dan is at rehearsal, and El has classes.

As we pulled into the parking lot, my hands started shaking because I was so nervous.

Ella grabbed my hands and said “You will be fine. Stop being nervous.”

“But Ella this is THE SIMON COWELL here!” I said clearly nervous.

“Just think of him as another lad okay? You’ll be fine. Trust me.” My twin sister said while pulling into a parking space.

“I’ll try” I mumbled while getting out of the car. As we were walking through the parking lot to the building, all paparazzi rushed up to Ella and I.





We were both glad we finally walked into the building. When we got inside the elevator Ella decided to talk “I am most certainly not pregnant!”

“Those pap’s are crazy!” I said while pushing the 4th floor button.

When we walked up to the desk Ella said “Annabelle and Abby Rose. We have an appointment with Simon Cowell.”

“Okay just go right through those doors. He’s expecting you.”

“Okay thank you” I said politely but I am appositely FREAKING OUT!

When we walked through the doors, Simon was on his laptop and when we walked in, he shut it.

“Hello ladies. Please sit.” Simon gestured to the seats in the front of his desk.

As Ella and I sat down we both said “Hello Mr. Cowell.”

“Please call me Simon. Mr. Cowell is my fathers name.” he laughed. “So Abby, a couple of days ago I got a video from Zayn of you singing and playing the guitar?”

“Yes that was me.” I said shyly.

“Did you write that song and the notes on your own?”

“Yes I did. I actually just sang whatever came to my mind and played whatever my hands strummed.” I stated proudly.

“Well that song was well written and so were the notes. Would you mind playing it for me and for a couple other people?” Simon asked me while standing up from his chair.

“Uh o-okay” I said slightly nervous. As Ella and I stood up she grabbed my hand and whispered “Everything will be okay.”

As we followed Simon into a music room, I’ve never seen so many instruments.

“Would you mind if they recorded you while you played?” Simon asked me while grabbing the guitar from the corner of the music room.

“No that wouldn’t be a problem.” I smiled while he handed me the guitar.

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