Chapter 13- Starbucks chase

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A/N: Thank you guys for reading my story and voting! xxx


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Chapter 13

Abby POV

Everyone knows about the note, even Ron. He said he will protect Ella and I while he stays in London. I think Ron is staying for the 6 weeks that Erin , Ella and I are. He’s been staying in Zayn’s flat with Erin in the guest bedroom.

Its been two days sense we received the dead roses and the letter from our father. Ever sense then everyone had been walking on eggshells.. We’re scared to do anything. I mean who knows what he is doing right now.. He knows where we live.. He could be watching us right now and we don’t even know it. It creeps me out to know I’m being watched. I mean wouldn’t you?!?!

After the boys came home that night, they were just as scared as we were…

Ella and I decided to go to Starbucks.. Just us two.

We were scared but hey we’re in London and we want to go out and have at least a little fun. Its only 2 blocks away from the complex we are staying in and plus its daylight outside so I think we will be okay.

As we walked in Starbucks I went to save Ella and I a table while she was ordering us our mocha’s.

5 minutes later..

As we were sipping our mocha’s Ella decided to speak up.

“I really want to know how he knows we’re in London and how he knows where we are staying. What are the odds when we come to London he follows us?” Ella asked while fiddling with her thumbs and looking me in the eyes.

“I don’t know but sense we got that letter I feel like we’ve been walking on broken glass. I feel like I am being watched 24/7.” I said while sitting back in my chair and playing with the hem of my shirt.

“Exactly.. He could be watching us right now and we don’t even know about it. Im scared Beebee.. What if he does something bad? What if he wants revenge on us or something?” Ella asked me.

“What could we possibly have on him in order for him to want revenge on us?” I asked hoping she might have the answer.

“I don’t know maybe the fact we ruined his life because he had us at such a young age?” she said but it came more out as a question than a statement.

“I’m not sure he would want revenge on something like that but whatever it is I want to find out because I’m done being scared Ella. I want to spend my summer feeling free and not locked up in a flat because our father could be watching us at any giving moment.” I said to her.

“I know. We will try to find out if he does something again. We just have to promise to stick together and no matter what happens we will ALWAYS have each other and mum okay?” she asked me while sticking out her pinky.

“Okay” I said as I locked pinkies with her.

Joseph John Rose POV

There they are. At starbucks. If only I could lip read to try and see what they are saying. They’ve grown so much sense I last saw them at the age of two. They look nothing like me. They look just like their mother when she was their age. They’re beautiful just like her.

I need my revenge! They need to get what they deserve. They took the love of my life away from me and now I will make them pay.

Ella POV

As Beebee and I were walking back to the flat, we heard footsteps behind us. We both looked at each other and started walking a little bit faster than normal.

“Ella someone is behind us what do we do?!?!?!?!” Beebee said quietly so only I could hear her.

“Just walk faster!” I said.

As we started walking faster.. The footsteps behind us had picked up pace too.

We looked at each other and I grabbed Bee’s hand and we ran as fast as we could to try to get to the complex faster.

“We’re almost there. Hurry up.” Bee said because by now there was someone hot on our tails. They were catching up to us and fast.

We let out a breath of relief as we entered the lobby and ran up the stairs.. No time for the lift.

As Bee and I came to Harry and Louis’s flat where everyone was.. The door was locked. We started banging on the door and Harry let us in. We shut and locked the door right away.

“What happened?” Liam asked while coming to us from the kitchen.

“Someone…. was chasing us… on the way back here…… from ….starbucks.” Bee said trying to catch her breath.

“What! Do you know who? Are you girls okay?” Niall asked while frantically searching on mine and Bee’s body for any cuts or bruises.

“Yes we’re okay. We didn’t get hurt but we don’t know who he was. We didn’t have time to look back to see who it was.” I said finally regaining my breath back to normal speed.

“That could only mean one thing.” I said while looking at Bee because I know she knows what im talking about.

“Dad.” we both said in unison.

“This is getting ridiculous! What does he want with us. What if he caught us out there! What would he have done. Ugh what are we going to do?!?!?” Bee said clearly as frustrated as I am.

“I don’t know.” was all I could manage to say. There was nothing else to say..

I was shocked and to say the least, I was scared for both Bee and my life…

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