The Runaway

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Kara's POV

I can't believe I actually sent that email. Eliza wont be too mad, right? James says people sneak out all the time. I decided to stay in my room for the rest of the night, even though my stomach was practically begging to get something to eat.

After an hour, I heard the door to my room open. Eliza was standing in the doorway, she was holding a plate with some food on it. I looked away.

"I brought you a slice of pizza. You should try it." She said.

"Not hungry." I lied.

"We both know that isn't true." She paused. "You may be mad at me, but you shouldn't starve over it." She set the plate down in front of me. I stayed silent, not knowing what exactly to say.

"I'm sorry, Kara. But Lena is not the kind of girl you should be hanging out with." She stated to rub my shoulder but I pushed her hand off.

"Lena is not evil. She's misunderstood." I said. "Like me.." I whispered under my breath.

"I know you think she's nice, but her entire family are against aliens. Lex and Clark used to be friends too. Until he turned on him." Eliza said.

"I don't know exactly who Lex is, but Lena is nothing like him. She's nice, and sure she may be a little bit shy and mysterious, but it doesn't make her evil." I said.

"For your own safety, stay away from her. Or I will have no choice but to send you to a different school." She stated.

"What?! Now you're just being unfair!" I said loudly.

"You'll understand someday." Eliza said, calmly.

"No! You don't have any control over who I hang out with or what I do! You're not even my real mother." I yelled.

"Don't take that tone with me, Kara." She said firmly.

"Or what?! You'll ground me?" I said sarcastically.

"I'll call Clark to come talk some sense into you." She said.

"Please do! Maybe I can get out of this hell hole." I yelled.

"Language!" She yelled back. I groaned and cursed in Kryptonian before I used my superspeed to leave the room. I ran to the kitchen and saw Alex eating a bowl of ice cream at the table.

"Sounds like you've got yourself in quite the mess." She said.

"Shut up." I scoffed and grabbed a bag of chips before storming out of the house. I wasn't sure where to go, but I just needed a break. Why does life suck so much? I just want to be back on Krypton, or with Kal. Anywhere but there would be great. I had forgotten to put my shoes on, so I was walking barefoot down the sidewalk. I also had a huge family sized bag of chips in my hand that I was rapidly eating out of. To any bystanders, I probably looked like a freak. I was completely caught up in my thoughts and accidently bumped into someone.

"Woah.. Sorry!" I said. I was able to save my bag of chips. Phew.

"No worries." He said. "I think I saw you in school today, Kara was it?" He asked. I nodded and shoved another chip into my mouth.

"It's nice to formally meet you, Kara. My name is Kenny. Kenny Li." He smiled and reached his hand out.

"Uhh. It's nice to meet you too." I hesitantly shook his hand, remembering not to shake too hard.

"So what are you doing outside so late..? And barefoot at that?" He asked.

"I.. I kinda ran away. Just got into a fight with someone." I sighed. "What are you doing out here?"

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