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Kara stumbled into school, feeling a bit more nervous then usual. Since she took on the young cat, she's realized that everybody needs some companionship. Today was the day that she would try to squeeze her way back into her friend group, instead of just settling to be alone. Lena's words have rang in the back of her head, every since that day in court.

"I want to be here for you, but when you act like this... I.. It's hard, Kara. I don't care if your human, or alien, or whatever. You're my best friend so please... Just think about that."

She hopes that Lena has stayed true to her words, and will be accepting of her return. She knows she made a mistake by ghosting everyone, and realized that she hurt everyone more then she ever wanted to. She thought that pushing them away would keep them out of harms way, but it turns out that loosing your friend was even worse.

She put her bag in her locker, and instead of rushing off to her first class before everyone arrived, she stayed put and waited for someone to arrive. She unconsciously bounced her leg as she leaned up against her locker. She had an uneasy feeling as she watched Lena walked towards the lockers. As Lena got closer, Kara began to feel more intimidated. She opened her mouth briefly, before slamming it shut and rushing towards her first class, leaving behind a very confused Lena.

Lena had made her peace with the way Kara was acting. She wasn't going to keep trying if Kara wasn't going to try herself. She had honestly gotten tired of it, and the part of her that used to love Kara was slowly fading away with every moment she spent without her.

She took her usual seat, in the back corner of the class which soon filled up with many talkative teenagers. Lucky for Kara, the seats around her were taken before Lena had entered the class, which bought her some time. She paid no attention to the teacher, and instead rehearsed what she would say to Lena in her head.

'Hey.. Lena.. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me?' Kara rolled her eyes at that thought, knowing that it was nothing compared to what she should say.

'Lena. I made a big mistake, probably the biggest mistake of my life. I wanted to protect you, but I see now that all I did was hurt you and I'm so so sorry.' Kara slightly nodded, knowing that this was definitely a good start. She rehearsed many different versions of her apology before deciding on one.

  'I'm really, really, really sorry. I made a huge mistake, the biggest mistake of my life if I'm being honest. I never meant to hurt you, and I'm sorry for making things difficult. I know that this probably won't fix everything, but I hope this can be a start to a friendship once again.' Kara repeated this in her head until the bell rang, restarting every time she messed up a word so that when the time came, she wouldn't screw up. She couldn't afford to screw up. She's noticed Lena's attitude towards her lately and worried that as the school year came to an end, she would miss any chance at rebooting their friendship.

However, over this brief time alone, Kara began to watch Lena from afar, taking every part of her into consideration. She watched the Luthor's intelligence grow, her kindness as well. Perhaps knowing her brother was locked up for good gave her peace of mind. Kara soon found out that she had grown attracted to Lena in a way that was close to the way she had seen Mon-El. She noticed that Lena had been going through some changes and quickly found her beauty overwhelming. But chose to stay away in order to keep her safe. She never realized how much she adored Lena, since she never thought to like girls in that way. She often ran through the times they had together, the holding hands, the Ferris wheel, and missed the intimacy she had with Lena in the past.

The bell rang and the majority of the class shuffled out of the room without hesitation. Kara watched as Lena gathered her papers and started to stand up. She made her way over to Lena's desk, taking deep breaths along the way to gather herself. She opened her mouth to say something, and raised her hand up to tap her on the shoulder, but was interrupted as she started talking to someone else.

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