Chapter 72~ Happy birthday

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Edited - heyyy a long chapter today so please comment and vote!


Have a good read bestie

Gosh, why do I always have to be such a horny horse?

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Gosh, why do I always have to be such a horny horse?

My legs are freaking burning as we walk into the club, I see Seb and Nico leaning against the bar chatting and Ares pulls me closer as the smell of alcohol fills my senses

I let go of Ares and my hands went into the air before I make grabby hands towards Nico, "Happy birthday" I sing loudly over the loud music in the club, he smiles and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I love how Ares gets so pissed when we touch you" he whispers into my ears and I look over my shoulder with a little giggle seeing him glaring at Nico.

We pull back and Seb walks to the other side of me and throws his arms around my shoulders as Nico leans against the counter asking for 3 shots, we all decided on Ares being the sober driver.

The bartender puts three shot glasses in front of us and I smile when they fill them up with vodka. We each grab our shots and our glasses clank together when we cheers before Seb shouts 'Bottoms up!' and then the alcohol is being thrown down our throats.

My eyes roll to the back of my head and I gag, I forgot how much I hate alcohol. Especially vodka... Memories dude

"This is a cool club" I shout over the music and Seb nods, "We bought it" he shouts back with a grin slowly dancing to the music and I grin, I think it's the alcohol at this point. Being drunk always makes me so smiley.

"That's so cool" I grin and he chuckles before I hear Nico's voice whisper something in my ear "Lightweight" he whispers and I roll my eyes.

"Stop bothering her" I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I lean against the bar as Ares's yummy cologne fills my senses, his front presses against my back and I ask for another shot before he could stop me.

"Ew" Seb pretends to throw up looking at me and Ares and I bring my middle finger up into the air before his eyes widen and he places a hand over his heart. "Hurt" he mouths and I stick out my tongue.

I see Nico grab his arm and say something in his ear before they both nod, Nico walks to Ares and says something in his ear before they both walk off leaving me and Ares.

"Where'd the birthday boy go?" I ask and he rests his head against my shoulder, "To sign some papers so the club becomes his, it was a present from Sebastian, you and I" he says into my ear and I make a 'oh' sound.

I did not know about this gift. It's okay I'll make him cookies tomorrow.

My shot is placed in front of me and I smile at the bartender who winks at me, Ares's arms tightening around my waist before I throw the alcohol down my throat. Again.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now