Peace Log #1: Preserving Peace

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1946, Bikini Atoll

A year later after the war, it was peace and harmony, the nations are now in peace, the Philippines has finally declared independence, all the once Japanese occupied territory are now independent. Europe was now on their way to restore the nations, cities, and social life. That is after the war, the nations formed a new organisation to preserve peace, that is the...


A new organisation that preserves peace of all the nations of the world, after its failed organisation back in the 1920s after the 1st World War, which is the League of Nations. Japan and Germany are facing debt, court of war crimes, and had been occupied by the Allied Nations. Their navies, armies, weapons, and war equipment have been confiscated as the Axis are now gone and had become Allied states.

Germany was split into many Allied occupated territories, from West Germany it was splitted into three parts, one was occupied for the British, then for America, and then for France. East Germany was occupied by the Soviet Union, including Berlin, the capital of Germany.

Japan however was  different, it was occupied by the Americans after the surrender in September 2, 1945. Their main target is to repair the Japanese economy with the help of American capitalism and democracy.

The six Iowa-class battleships arrived at the United States to go under repairs as well as the rest of the other survived ships. The Yorktown-class with the Essex-class are on heavy repairs after the Okinawa Campaign.

The three aircraft carriers were on course to Britain, the Essex-class as well went to Europe for a tour and plans for the future of the navies.

The battleships are turned to training ship, others were returned to operations on Japan. But much as not been happening after the war.

Except for the end of the era of battleships. During the first World War, it was mostly the use  of dreadnoughts, the grandfather and grandmother of battleships, battlecruisers, and cruisers. Then seaplane tenders came which gave way to the creation of the first aircraft carriers. Then during the second World War, at Europe, it was mostly battleships, but on the Pacific, it became a huge key to a new future.

Because of the air force intelliegence of both the Japanese and Americans, the use of aircraft carriers became the most powerful ship than the battleships.

It is the time when battleships were now beginning to be seen as disposals or war artifacts.

On June to July, it happened. On a lonely atoll, tthe Iowa-class far away watched the events that go by on that atoll. 

The atoll was filled with old relics of the navies around the world both Allied and Axis. Filled with aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, and other ships.

The identified ships are USS Independence, USS Saratoga, USS Arkansas, KMS Tirpitz, and KMS Prinz Eugen, as well as USS Nevada. All watched as the sound of an incoming bomb with its ear piercing scream as it hit the water, and then...


The bombs exploded, revealed to be atomic bombs. It was an experiment and disposal of ships, cause, after all in modernizing world, change keeps coming, using the same old ships during another war would be very inefficient, because of the using of oil and steam.

The Iowa-class watched in horror seeing their friends have to die and sunk that way for the future of the world.

USS Iowa and USS Kentucky went to sink the survived ships, including USS Nevada. The four however set course home. The admirals were awarded for their bravery and leadership at the war back in September 29, 1946. At the operation, the four went back to dry dock, and lived with their families in peace.

On July 4, 1948, the USS Yorktown (CV-5) was sent for scrapping as her final resting place, as well with the USS  Hornet (CV-8). They have been planned to scrapped for the upgrading of USS Yorktown (CV-10) part of the Essex-class. USS Hornet (CV-8) was also planned to be scrapped for using her parts for USS Hornet (CV-12).

Admiral Missouro came by to see the two aircraft carriers now at dry dock with their parts now tearing apart. He came by with his best friend Ad. Illiohem. Remembering the Battle of Midway and the Santa Cruz Islands, it was them who saved them from sinking.

After the war, USS Yorktown was nicknamed as the "Wise York", "Lady of the York", and "Sister Y". For USS Hornet, she was nicknamed, "Fighting Lady", "Happy Hornet", and "Horny Maru".

On March 1, 1950, USS Missouri, USS Winconsin, and USS Illinois have been recommissioned to participate in the Korean War, because during that time, the once allies US and the Soviet Union have been stabbing their backs because of their ideologies.

"But I don't care about the capitalism and communism. It's the government's problems because one is democratic while the other is dictatorship."

On Korea, two sides were born, the North to which is influenced by the now Communist China, and then Soviet Union, becoming a communist state. The South is influenced by the new Japan and America by capitalism and freedom.

"They want to reunite Korea like in the past, but their ideologies are the main problem, so North Korea decide to turn Korea into a communist state. The South however want freedom and capitalism so they fired back."

From the forces of the United States, Japan and United Nations, they forced North Korea to be stuck in the middle. From 1951 to 1952 the Korean War happened to which it was the engagement of both Chinese and Soviet Navy forces.

After the war, the USS Missouri and USS Illinois are in heavy repairs as well as USS Winsconsin. The other ships however went to patrol duty before being decommissioned. On July 2, 1958, the families of Best, Dickinson, McClusky, Halsey, M.D.F, I.O.R, Missouro, and Illinois visited the New Jersey Naval Disposal Yard as they watched the famed ship began to dismantle by cranes.

Best, Dickinson, McClusky, and Halsey cried in tears seeing the ship they once served now finally set her resting place.

"It was the most saddest event in my life... to see Big E now gone, becoming like her sisters... of the Yorktown-class. The three sisters that ruled the Pacific waves during the war are now pictures, videos, and artifacts. Left to be remembered by the pilots who flew on her deck."

Ad. Missouro and Ad. Illiohem also cried having to see the aircraft their brother's worked had now been dismantled.

The other admirals visited other WW2 era ships because some of them are scrapped, to which it is because their brothers and friends once served on those ships.

Ad. Missouro and Ad. Illiohem both planned to have a retirement, but on August 23, 1984, they were back in service because on the Pacific, the Soviet Union have set out their Soviet fleet to attack Pearl Harbor one again.

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