I Ran Out Of Titles

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Look, I know I said I'll post a chapter on Friday. Buts it not Friday yet in eastern standard time so, I'll procrastinate some more...


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Langley POV


I'm sure there is a better description of what I am seeing but I lost all vocabulary to even come close to forming the words coherently. I was just that shocked. To the point I could not think of anything else other than my awe and respect for him.

Who was he? Even I wanted to know. As he contradicts the basic aspect of demons and carry no notion of being an angel. He was both. At the same time, neither. A true deviant so different from us. Truly he was fitting of his race.


Great sage-sensei was... For the lack of a better word, pissed. I just don't know how did this come to pass though. My Unique Skill. My sole partner. My confidant. Whom I regarded as a soulless machine of pure logical calculation, would show such passionate hate. Such fury of emotions. And even under the facade of her blank expression and monotone voice, I know for a fact that she was not her usual self today.

I wonder why? Was it because she was more or less a Unique Skill that acquired her own self-awareness through the evolution of the Holy Spirit that bonded with her through me as the soul corridor? Or was it because there was something about that guy that ticks her off? Well, I admit, they guy has no tack. But what did you expect from demons anyway?

The halberd in Great Sage-sensei's hands... Or my hands depending on your point of view, was swung down with calculated precision to hit the vitals of the demon. But the demon hindered the attack with a barrier that was conjured up within the trajectory. Dampening the force. Followed by deflecting it with his light saber which push Great Sage-sensei back.

You really gotta ask at some point but how did this guy got himself a light saber? Is he funded by Disney or something?

But Great Sage-sensei be Great Sage-sensei as she was all about outsmarting her opponents. She again uses the force against her to her own advantage. Like a dancing ballerina, she spins in defiance of gravity. And swung the halberd at the demon again. This time she used a secret art from the sword art series we learned from watching swordmasters fight.

<<Split Second Hundred Flash>>

I wonder if the demon has this passive predict attack skill as his barriers will always appear to intervene. Used as either to block or to deflect her attacks when Great Sage-sensei was always certain she could hit him.

Great Sage- Her name is getting a bit of a mouthful. I'll call her by letter acronym: GS-sensei from now on. Anyway, as GS-sensei unleashes her secret art, she was also drawing on the magicules in the atmosphere to build her spells for a follow up attack.

The demon's pacing got faster as he dished out an melee attack. GS-sensei dodges it gracefully and counters. This went on back and forth as they both dance to the tune of death. Occasionally casting tricky spells to offset the delicate balance between them as they display equal strength and speed. But I know GS-sensei was winning. I know because GS-sensei always follows a specific pattern everytime she fights. She analyzes her opponents. Not missing a single detail. Understanding the momentum of the battle. Always taking action when the opportunity arises. She fights like an experienced warrior even though there weren't many chances she could fight.

Then when she fully knows what to do, GS-sensei will then make her final move that will bring total victory.

But to be honest, the demon was not doing bad against GS-sensei. Even though I am confident GS-sensei will win for me, I'm not so sure if he is pitted against others. Unless they were the demon lord patrons or the human saints of western church, the demon could win given his crafty way of fighting.

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