It's Lonely Being So Strong

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If the sports district was anything, then imagine the biggest Olympic event held by the richest country on the planet, hosting only martial arts tournaments. And duels between masters of different fighting styles come here to duke it out.

My walk brought myself to an open field with lots of elevated arenas and massive courts that juxtaposes as far as the eyes can see. The place a biome of its own with barriers over barriers that protect the individuals within from any long-lasting and deadly harm.

Classes were held in dojos and demonstrations of martial arts were only seen being practiced in combat. Everyone was using a special training weapon, whether that be the shape of a sword or a bow, it nonetheless increases its own weight the more energy was poured into it. This kind of training brings double the benefits of adding more pressure and exceeding one's limits within the session.

I found it very intriguing that such a unique training regiment was being conducted and more so in fact that this school doesn't shy away from letting students bring harm. Of course I understood this was a regulated environment but seeing students groaning in pain on the floor and their teacher berating them about their flaws made me a bit apprehensive to say the least.

I took upon myself to sit down on the audience seat high enough to see all arenas and combatants fight but close enough to get a feel from the fight. After making myself cozy enough, my magic sense and perception-support barriers cover the entire field in one go.

I've observed a lot from just sitting here for five minutes and trust me this place is filled people full of potential. If anyone of them joined the military back in my world, then they'll be making a legendary career with combat tours from dangerous locations only the top brass could send you.

I was deeply astounded how everyone had the potential to fight, with some just weren't making the cut, but that's only because they were pitted against stronger foes. Some of them fought with magic based enhancements, tricks, deception, straight-up bravado, stealth or long range combat.

It... sorta reminded me of hell where fights like these were way too common but the difference was that no one was dying.

This placed wowed me. Not because there were a lot of impressive fights, no they were all boring as hell to watch, but because this place could cultivate the full potential of just about anyone in a matter of a few months.

Only the most prestigious military academies on earth could bring out the best performance out of everybody. But the Tempest Academy seems to top them over as they adhere no strict soldier discipline.

Fascinated how this academy could possibly facilitate the extra logistics needed to exercise the best out of every student's martial prowess, I then realize this is probably where the key factor how this world was originally a fantasy filled with fantastical monsters and beings of raw power come into play. If this was somewhere on Earth, the NATO and UN would probably be thinking this country was under a militaristic dictatorship that forces its people into contracted service.

Pulling back from my digressive thoughts, I analyze the battle between two opposing forces. Some of them are duels between two, some of them are king of the hill, where multiple players must struck down one target, and others are Battle Royale.

Everyone had different fighting styles. Some using the same but are better than others doing it, and some aren't even fighting but are straight up beating anyone's asses the moment they come within range.

Like this one chick in this arena righ now who's absolutely destroying anyone coming for her. Whether she was getting distracted or everyone coming at her all at once, she swung this long-ass katana with her eyes closed and the wind around her went wild. Everyone coming was struck regardless how they block or dodge her attacks.

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