Intermission: Our Battle Will Be Legendary

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3rd POV

Zegion's mighty frame re-emerges from the mist and enters a well-lit chamber filled with desk chairs lined up facing a large screen that portrayed the outside world.

Zegion approaches the two seated nearby a large stereo terminal. One was a wild blond man of tanned skin wearing a plain blue shirt and jeans who featured a wide grin and eyes glinting with excited glee and seated on his left shoulder was a woman of miniature stature small enough to fit in one's hand. A blonde-haired braided and wings belonging to fantasy pixies on her back, her eyes express a glimmering curiosity as she, like the man, look unto the ginormous screen before them.

"Veldora-sama, Ramiris-sama, I have returned." said Zegion with a slight bow and a tone respect.

"Umu," hummed the handsome man who grinned at the giant exoskeletal frame towering over him.

He, Veldora, turned his attention back to the screen and so did Zegion turn his head to look the same direction.

Displayed over the wide screen was the replay of the event, where one seemingly unassuming lesser demon who wore a formal suit challenged the Trial of Zegion's Temperance set at the highest difficulty designed by the Veldora himself and won much to the surprise of those who've witness the undeniable results.

Zegion observes as the scene replays over and over with a change in his expression, not that he could express a lot with that menacing visage covered in solid carapace, then again, it didn't hurt that he could curve his lips slightly. He did look on with wonder though. For the lesser demon and his abilities of said demon were peculiar to him.

Ramiris the Spirit Queen in her pixie form look at the lesser demons attempts in the screen with silent curiosity. Which was a rare moment given her nature to blabber endlessly with nonsensical spiels in her excitement. But that was just how intriguing the lesser demon to her was.

And Veldora couldn't contain the grin on his face from growing even wider the more the screen showed how the lesser demon triumphed over the trials with flying colors. The feelings swirling inside him, curiosity, excitement, wonder, all the emotions that made him jumpy with his fists clenched with unstoppable battle spirit. He felt something about the lesser demon that only few could so evoke...

Like he... Found someone worthy.

"Kuhahaha!" Veldora bellowed a mighty laugh in his amusement. "This guy's is pretty interesting to come out unscathed from those trials! It almost makes me wonder how he even did it!"

"Teacher! Teacher!" said Ramiris trying to catch the blonds attention. "I think I know how this lesser demon did it."

"Oh, do you know?" Veldora said amused, "And do you think he did it."

"Isn't it obvious?" ask smugly the pixie while puffing her chest with pride. And said to the curious two who were wondering what was she going to say.

"It's obvious this guy has an Ultimate Skill related to invincibility and teleportation if he's able to make it through the trials! Am I right?"



At the man's correction, the pixie childishly exclaims in denial. But noticing her foolish behavior, she coughs hiding her immaturity to accept only answers tailored to her. She promise to mature after all. At least, mature enough for her teacher to look at her differently.

"Why is that? I'm pretty sure of myself that only individuals with Ultimate Skills could conquer that trial. Even Rimuru said so!"

"True, Rimuru did say that." Veldora said with a grin and stated another truth. "But if that lesser demon even possess his own Ultimate Skill, I would've sense it being used. And I know that was no Ultimate Skill he used. In fact, he didn't use one at all!"

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