Interlude: Is This An Evil Plan?

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Sitting at the desk of my temporary office, I was caught in my musing as a moment of peace settled in.

Battling the towering stacks of paperwork could get painfully numbing and mind exhausting as even if you'll get use to it, it didn't exactly make it anymore appealing.

But now that was over, I decided to take a break and have a moment to myself to ponder how my sisters were able to get a hold of me during my busy time.

'They miss me, don't they?' I smiled at such a thought. And then felt sad that I wasn't ready to see them.

Not after what I had to do to accomplish my goals.

If you think you could stay sane possessing power that could turn the whole world to dust, then you're sadly mistaken.

If you give anyone points for second guessing how unrealistic it would be to reincarnated as the eldest daughter of the most powerful being in the multiverse, then I'll get 100 points.

Then again, I'm not the only person so blessed and cursed at the same time, aren't I?

At first, I really didn't get how this all came to be. For all my life, aspiring to be a young and ambitious theoretical physicist, never had it even occurred to me that I would wake up too young a child with the mind of a scientist in the arms of two of the most beautiful creatures to ever exist.

Not to mention the bonus of having the most convenient body to ever exist, I was literally blessed and gifted from the second I was born again.

Left, right and everywhere, I was showered with praise and love from the followers and worshippers of my godlike of a dad. My mom, ever so elusive and cold, would reserve her rarest smile for me. My uncle and aunties, the mighty True Dragons of immemorial times would take their time to nurture and teach me how to control my destructive powers. My little sisters who look up to me and supported me. My other mothers who love me as if I was their own daughter.

I had never been so lucky to score such an awesome family. Despite not being the most normal of norms, and having more mothers to consider familial functionality, there was never a time I complained that I would have it any other way.

Strange as it sounds, I thought I was so high off my ass I began hallucinating I was a godlike princess.

I mean, c'mon right? Who in their right minds would believe reincarnation to be real? Especially believing that your next life you became a figure of unthinkable potential.

I was just a simple dimple-face nerd with a penchant for theoretical physics and was as extraverted as a 500 year old turtle. My social life consisted of 2 people who supported me. My mom and my brother. The only places I've been too in recent years was my dorm room, the classrooms, the laboratory, the 7-Eleven, and the Domino's. I don't even know how the hell I ended up not in those locations.

And the next thing I know, I woke up between the arms of two silvery blue haired beauties whom you could mistake as twins, sleeping as they coddle my small baby body. Once they've woken up, they greeted me as if I was their darling angel of a daughter.

One would think it would be a sweet surprise to be born again as a princess, but I panicked in confusion the first second I realize what happened to me the I literally nuked the whole room to oblivion, blasting a shockwave more intense than the Tsar Bomba, destroying everything in its wake, shifting the Planet's axis and caused the whole ecosystem to collapse.

Luckily, someone happens to know how to turn back time.

After containing me in a another dimension where I won't be able to blow up things to kingdom come, my new mom and dad explained how I came to be. They said that I was their daughter named Shizuka Raphael Tempest. And I was their first ever child conceived after numerous trial and error.

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