Foolish Heart

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Y/n's POV:

The moon exchanged its place with the sun, letting the warmth and light of it go through the house.

I look over her to see she's still sleeping, I look at the clock and it's already 7 in the morning, I still can make breakfast for her before she go, so that's what I did. I did my routine and change my PJs, then go to the kitchen to make frittata, bacon and sausage.

As I was cooking, I can hear shuffling and moving upstairs, alerting me that she's already awake and getting ready for the day. As I was serving, her voice echoed through the kitchen making me look up.

"Morning." She said half-productive combing her short hair.

"Hey, good morning! How'd you sleep? Did you get enough rest?" I said put foods in her plate.

"Good, and yeah." She said with a shrugged at the end she didn't even look at me.

"So... I was wondering if maybe, we can go out tomorrow, it's your day off, so maybe we can go at the park or at the beach and have a picnic there." I said hopefully, maybe I can still give it a shot before I make my move on giving up on this marriage.

"I don't know, I will think about it. But, I think I have to go somewhere tommorow, my manager said I won't have a day off this week." She said eating, she didn't even spare me a glance.

"Oh, okay, it's okay, maybe we can just watch movie and just rest around here when you're done." I said looking at her for any response, only to have a shrug from her while she looks at her phone.

I sigh inaudibly, making sure she didn't hear it. She's always mad when I use my phone while eating, well, she doesn't really like the idea of using a cellphone inside the house, especially while eating, unless it's important.

After some time, she stand up, making me look at her.

"I have to go now." She said and go to the living room.

She still didn't even finished her food. But, it's okay, maybe she's just full already. I quickly go over to her, seeing her put her coat and shoes.

"Babe?" I called out.

"Hmm?" She hum looking at me for the first time today.

"When can we do what I said?" I ask hopefully.

"What did you said?" She ask scrunching her eyebrows together.

"The picnic at the beach, or at the park, cause I was wondering to have time with you." I said giving her a small smile.

"I don't know, Y/n, and you know I can't, i'm super busy right now. Just- please understand that." She said getting her things inside her bag.

"I'm always the one who needs to understand." I whisper underneath my breath, but she heard it.

"What did you say?" She ask annoyed.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." I said looking down, scared to see her reaction as she seems angry at me already.

"You know, if you can't understand then don't, you don't have to." She said in a straight voice.

"Yes, i'm sorry." I said quietly, looking down and made my way to the sofa, but I can feel her eyes burning holes to the back of my head. I heard her scoffed and say,

"Now you're acting like a child. Grow up, Y/n." She said and I can't control it anymore.

"You know, if you just don't want to spend some time with me anymore, just say it. Because i'm tired of pleading you like a puppy for attention and time-" I tried to let out my emotions at the words I say to her but got cut off shortly by her.

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