The End

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3rd Person's POV:

"You know, courting doesn't mean that you always have to give me something extravagant every single day, right?" You chuckled before taking the red/pink tulips she's offering and a box of what looks like a jewelry as the both of you sat on your couch.

"Yeah, but, I like to do it in my own way." She chuckled, watching lovingly as you took a sniff of the flower, before setting it aside and taking a hold of the box, gasping when you saw the very expensive looking necklace with your initial on it.

"Wow- S-Scar, this is so beautiful. You didn't have to-" You were cut off when she suddenly speak up, putting a hand on your knee.

"I know, but I want to. Don't you like it, my angel?" My angel.

She's been calling you that nickname since she, herself, opened up the awful things that had happened to her in the last 5 years. And admitted that because of you, her very own angel, even though you were not with her at that time, and became partly the reason of why she had done nasty things to herself, you are still and will always be her inspiration to keep on moving every single day.

The first time she said it sounder so soft, like she's telling you so much in that two words. My angel. Her Angel.

"I always thought of you, and I knew you would be mad to know what I was doing, even though you were angry at me at that time. You're my angel, you know? Just the thought of you could save me in si many difficult times."

"I love it, thank you, Scarlett." She was caught off guard when you suddenly throw your small body to her, but she still manage to catch you with her big arms, encaging you in it as you hugged her as tightly as possible.

She helped you wear it, leaving a kiss on your shoulder and neck, before whispering in your ear how much she loves you.

Scarlett's POV:

"I thought you changed." Y/n spat out, looking at me with so much hatred in her eyes, her brows furrowed in anger and disappointment.

"I-I'm sorry- I didn't mean it-" I stutter as I cried on my own, trying to reach out for her.

So many unspoken words that wouldn't seem to come out of my mouth as I plead for her to listen to and as I apologize. I don't know why, but my mouth felt as if it was locked, I don't know what to say clearly, and I can't think straight.

I have hurt her again.

Something that I promised her one too many times that I wouldn't do anymore.

But, I did.


And now, she's not the only one who's affected, but our daughter too.

I want to punch myself to death, maybe until I'm no longer recognizable. How could I break her heart again? How could I do the same mistakes once again? Now, completely knowing what it will cost. How much it will cost.

I stood there, completely paralyzed as the memory of my disobedience flash in my mind again and again. While she, on the other hand, kept on going about how much of a shitty person I am, and I didn't complained, I let her knowing to myself that what she's saying was all true.

I am a shitty person.

I know nothing but to go out there without thinking straight and give myself to some random strangers, not thinking of what would happen around me after I am done doing what I am good at.

I am not good at anything but to hurt the person whom I love the most.

How can I say I love her, and hurt her again and again?

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