Crossing Paths

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Scarlett's POV:

"Do you want to just stay here, or come with me?" I ask Van as we arrived at my office. We already arrived at the headquarters of The Outset, and i just went to my office to get something quickly.

"Ummmm, I'll go with you." She said and i nodded, before i let her take my hand.

We walked towards the conference room, i smiled and waved at the people that would come by, which they gave back.

"Babe?" I heard Vanessa called out.

"Hmm?" I ask as i turn to look at her for a second before averting my attention towards us again.

"We should go on a date later, it's already been a week since we went out. I missed out dates already." She explained as we turned right.

"I'll try, hun. You know, im very busy right now, and all. But, I'll try, i promise." I said, and i reached over to kiss her cheeks.

Actually, im not that busy, i can still go out with her. But, i just don't really want to. I'm avoiding on going out on public with her as i don't want the media and the paparazzi to say that i already have someone new, when in reality, i can't still move on from my greatest love.

My Y/n.

As soon as we stepped inside the conference room, i saw how many people are in here, there's a two camera at the back in the middle, i guess it's for the documentaries. People greeted me and Van, which we gladly returned.

"Scarlett, hey!" I heard Kate called out, making me turn.

"Hi..." I greeted with a smile before reciprocating the hug she's giving me.

"Where did you went? We've been waiting for you since forever. I told you to get here faster but you just literally did the opposite." She said, and i look at her apologetically.

"Sorry, we stopped by at the park because Van needed to use a restroom, and i went to mom's house to give them the invitation, then i forgot about this. I'm really, really sorry." I said.

"Fine, they've waiting for you. We couldn't start this conference meeting without the CEO, now let's go." She said before practically dragging us infront of the people.

I didn't have the chance to pull my hands away form Van, even though we're sitting already. I sit at the very front top chair, with Kate by my side, and Van at the other. And now, as Kate gathered everyone's attention, i took the chance to scan the whole room and the people in it.

And that's when i saw her. The woman who i've been longing for, for 5 whole years.

I felt my body became somehow stiffed, i can't move as the sounds around us became unhearable. I can't focus on anything but her, while she typed something on her phone. If my heart is fastly beating in my chest, it's now pounding as soon as her eyes met mine. I couldn't read the mixed emotions in her eyes, but somehow, i catched a glimpse of sadness, longingly looking and....fear?

Her gaze dropped down to my hands that is intertwined with Van, i saw how her breath hitched, the she looked down, before looking back up at me, giving me a very small smile
It's not the smile that i hoped for from her to give to me once we, by chance, meet again. But, either way, i smiled as i pull my hands away from Vanessa. I took a deep breath before collecting myself, but all i wanted was to go over there, hug her, kiss her, and just take her home.

"And i want to introduce our new ambassadress, the most beautiful woman i have ever laid my eyes on, Ms. Y/l/n!" Kate exclaimed, and i saw how Y/n stood up so gracefully, wearing her signature smile.

She did her speech and all, but all i can do is to gaze at her, it's like, she has a magnet that keep me from being attracted to her. Oh how my heart swell, and my body reacted with goosebumps as soon as her voice cane through my ear. It was still the same, the same voice who used to sing me to sleep, or read a book for me.

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