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Y/n's POV:

"But, Mommy, why can't you come with us? You said it's you daywoff today?" Avery said while pouting in my arms as we stand in the elevator that is going down to the parking lot.

It is my day off today, well more likely i took an off for 1 week till the news about my daughter cool down, but now, i decided to go to Vanessa, who i talked about wanting to know what Scarlett had been through in those 5 years. I know i shouldn't care this much to her, but i can't help it. I don't know why, but i just feel this urge of want everyday to know all the things that she's been through.

Avery wanted me to come with them, as we finished eating earlier, i announced to them that I'll be going somewhere important.

"I can't really, baby. I'm sorry, maybe in some other day when Scarlett take you out again, how about that hmmm? Mommy's just really need to go, but i promise you, I'll be home when you are too, okay?" I said, as we walk towards Scarlett's car, who is just at the side of my car.

"Okay..." She said with a pout, which i kissed to go away while Scarlett on the other hand opened the door at the back, which took me in surprise as it already have a baby seater.

"Yeah, i uhm-, i wanted to makes sure she's safe, i just installed that earlier, so just know that she'll be safe with me." She might've saw me looking at it as she answered.

"That's... amazing." I giggled lightly looking at her, before going in the car, just half of my body to settle Avery in.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Scarlett asked with hopeful eyes as soon as i finish buckling Avery up.

"Yeah. Maybe in another time, i just to do something important." I said, nodding as we stood beside her car.

"Okay, well, maybe i can give you a ride to wherever you'll go?" She asked, and i shook my head.

"No, uhm- it's fine, im fine, but thanks tho. I'll just use my car, and i don't want to bother your bonding time with Avee. Just make sure that she's safe and please, make sure that there's no paparazzi following you both." I said worriedly, and she smiled a little while nodding.

"Yeah, yeah, ofcourse. Just message me if you need something, okay? I'll be there in an instant." She said, and i tilted my head.

"Okay....?" I trailed off.

There's a moment of silence between us, a little bit awkward but comfortable, before i cut it off.

"I should go now. You too. I'm sure Avery back there is getting bored already." I peaked through the car and waved at Avery, which she returned.

"Y-yeah, take care and...drive safely." She said, the tone of her voice getting small at the end as she trailed off.

"Yeah, you too. Bye." I said with a small smile before getting inside my car, but not before giving Avery a flying kiss which she reciprocated with sloppy one that made me giggle.

"...okay, this is gonna be a really rough story to tell, so i need you to bare with me, okay?" Vanessa said as i took a sip on my tea before nodding.

We're currently in her house, as i requested to her that i want to talk to her about what Scarlett had been up to in those 5 years, which she agreed with no hesitation on telling it to me.

"Okay, go..." I said, and before getting comfortable on my seat.

"Okay, well, let's start from where you both got divorced. After that night, when she went for the last time in the hospital, the say she signed the divorce and gave you the letter, she went to us, me and my mom most specifically. She told us what she is planning for, she told us that she'll move to Alaska, and we knew, we knew that one of us had to stay with her so my mom volunteered, as i have my own family already...."

I nodded along with her words.

"At first, she doesn't really want anyone to be with her, saying that she's all grown up to know what she's doing, but we know too that she's all grown up to do so many ridiculous things, you know. So we insisted until she gave in. My mom would update us in everything about her, at first it's all...well, fine, not that fine, but she's still fine. After a 1 month, she started showing signs and symptoms of being clinically depressed...."

My heart started to pound with nervousness and my mind started to worry.

"She doesn't eat for a whole day, sometimes for a whole three day, she'd eat when my mom would force her to, but it's only a couple of bites. She doesn't clean herself, until she doesn't clean her room anymore, that my mom needs to do it to herself. She's at the worse, Y/n, at the worse that none of us has ever seen her before. We don't really know what do, until we're completely losing hope on her getting better...."

I felt my eyes getting hot, as my hands started to get cold.

"Everyday, she drinks from the morning up to the midnight, no matter how much my mo scolded her, she doesn't cared...it was like, she's in some kind of trance that we can't get her out of, no matter what we do. She got back to her bad habits again, smoking everyday, drinking with no care for her health, and then-...."

One lone tears fell down, which i quickly wiped off but she took notice of it as she hold my hand comfortingly on the table.

"Do you want me to continue?" She said with gentle eyes.

"Yeah, please do continue, i still want to know more." I said, gathering myself, but failed, as i felt myself mentally turned into an emotional mess at the next words she said.

"Then, she became....suicidal. We did everything, Y/n, i promised you, we did everything. Me and Hunter went there to help my mom to get a therapist, and all. Out of nowhere, we'll just see her in the morning at the bathroom floor sitting on the pool of her own blood. Everyday, there's always a scattered blood in her room, she's not always herself, she doesn't eat, she doesn't talk, if she does, all she says is...your name..."

Endless tears started to stream down on my cheeks, i tried to wipe it all, but it's no use as it just continuesly cascading down.

"Go on...go on..." My voice is hoarse, and she nodded softly.

"All that went on for like, 2 to 3 years i think. But, even though that all went snapped, she changed. So much. She became quiet, not laughing or even smiling that her manager told her to stop acting even though she already wanted to. She just put all her attention on making the outset- and wait, do you know that you are her inspiration on why she made that?" She asked, and i tilted my head confusedly.

"Me?" My voice is wavering as i point to myself.

"Yeah, well, actually, you are her inspiration in everything. We actually talked deep once, and i asked her what made her changed, all she said was because of you, that if ever you'll know what is happening to her, she knows that you'll be mad, and...she doesn't want to make you mad. God, Y/n, if only you could hear her hopeless voice at that time, she sounded like a little child, and it broke my heart to see my sister like that. But, please, don't think that i blame you, okay?" She said sincerely, and i nodded, wiping my tears.

"Yeah, ofcourse..." I sent her a small smile.

"I don't really want to ask you this, but can you- maybe, give her a chance? Not as to be your partner once again, but to be a mother to Avery? Please? Last night, she called me, her voice sounded so happy than ever in those past years, she told me how she has a beautiful child with you, she told me how she's so proud, she told me how Avery is so pretty like i've never seen her before, god, she told me how she would do anything to be a mother to that kid. She sounded so hopeful, like she just found a new life. She even said before we said goodbye that knowing and seeing Avery just made her hopeful....so please, im begging you, please give my sister a chance....im not forcing you to do so, because i know that it's hard. But, i mean, if you don't want to, it's- it's fine..." She rambled, and my heart had a mixed of emotions.

Does she deserves a chance? Should i give her a chance? It's not for me, but for Avery especially. I've always thinking of my feelings since i met Scarlett once again, but im not thinking of what she might've been feeling...and Avery.

Does she want to know her Mama?

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