One Last Time

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"Baby, please, don't be like this..." She said infront of the closed door of your room.

You are on the other side, inside of the room that you share with her, crying and sobbing loudly that makes her heart break in so many pieces.

There was a picture that is circulating in the media right now, it's a picture of Scarlett and one of her co star who is also her ex, being all 'cozy and warm' as what the picture said. And well, you know the paparazzi and the media, they will speculate things by making theories here and there that is, sometimes, very believable.

But in truth, it's an old picture that they once had before, but those things that they said, especially now that it's trending on internet, all of it has gotten into you. You can't help it. You just can't simply help it. And she understands it, more than anyone.

You've been in so many toxic and bad relationships, you're too traumatized already. And that kills her, bit by bit, knowing that you think of her like that, but she can't blame you, she'll never do. What she wants to do is for that to change, she can't bear to think of you, living that way, when she can just help you through it.

"Please, baby, i know it's hard for you to understand it that easy, but i promise, that's an old picture of us, baby, please just hear me out for a minute, then you can be mad as much as you want to me, i won't stop you, i would even let you punch me, kick me, what ever you want, just plea-" Her rambling was cut off when you opened the door, revealing your look with blood shot eyes, red nose and cheeks, tears continuesly streaming down on the streets of you cheeks.

"I won't hurt you , never, don't you dare say that." Your voice broke, and without any seconds, she's there, so close to you, holding you in her arms like there's no tommorow.

"Oh, my baby. Shhhh, it's okay, that's not really what it looks like, darling, please believe me, look....look baby...." She showed you her phone, with the original picture and the date of when it was shot. "See, princess?" You look at it with your head on her chest, and just like that, you believed her.

"Plus, Amber texted you too, she said sorry for things, and told you not to mind it too much, she even trash talked the media. I'm really sorry that you had to experience things like this again, don't worry, I'll make sure that things like this will never happen, okay?" She said, and you nodded sniffling, before hugging her tight.

You fell in a moment of silence, and she just hold you just as tight, and kept whispering sweet nothings in you ear that is surely made you calm in a very impossible way, all the worries that you had earlier is now all gone.

You look up at her, and she look down at you, she saw a hesitation in you eyes for a moment, then after seconds, you asked her,

"Don't leave me, please?" Her heart breaks more at the sound of pain in your voice. You sound so hopeless and helpless, you're not just simply asking her, you are begging.

She cup your face with one hand, before putting kisses on your forehead, before looking at you with the most genuine look you've ever seen.

"I won't. Never." She said honestly.



With one last letter, Scarlett put the paper inside of an envelope, before sealing it then take a deep breaths before composing herself looking at the mirror you have in the living room.

She just finished everything she needs to do, and now, all she needs to do is to give the papers to your lawyer, and go to the hospital then give the farewell letter to you.

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