Shattered Souls

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Scarlett's POV:

I woke up to the urge of throwing up. My eyes shot open as I quickly sit up, not caring of my surroundings, I quickly find the bathroom. Sitting on the cold tiles, I let the liquid substance in my stomach go out through my mouth.

After that, I lean in back at the wall, still sitting, while I put my head in my hands as I felt a shot of pain go through my head.

Did I drink that much?

My closed eyes opened as i get my bearings, I look around as see that i'm in a very different bathroom, looking at the door, I catch a little glance around the room, and see a no familiar thing.

I stand up and go over the sink, then tried to wash my drunkenness with water. After the last wash, I look up to the mirror, and that's when I get a good look of myself.

I'm naked, hickeys on my neck.

My heart fell, as panic rush through my veins, while my mind run through miles, trying to think of what I have done last night. Staying stoned still, I tried to bring myself back to the situations im in last night.

I went to the party, sit and have a conversation here and there, then I made a thank you speech, then drink with my friends and co-stars, then.....Y/n is there...?

I immediately look back at the mirror, then run outside the bathroom, with a hope and happiness in my heart, but the nervous feeling still stayed, I run outside the bathroom, hoping to see my wife.

And as if the world seems to stop, sweat started to make its way out of every part of my body, as I felt my self run out of blood, my knees slightly buckled, my eyes wide open, as tears started to brim out of them. I put my shaking hand over my mouth, trying to silence the gasp that came out of it.

Tears started to flow out of my cheeks while I put on my clothes that is now scattered around the floor. My shaking hands get them one by one, and put it on. I quickly tried to compose myself as more tears started to flow out, while I take my things, ready to leave this room of a nightmare.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." I chanted under my breath, crying as I do so, while I gather my things.

When I found all of my things, I made my way out side, not making any noise, trying not to wake up the random woman who I slept with inside the unfamiliar hotel room. I open my phone to see that it's past 10:00 in the morning already.

Bunch of phone calls and text that I missed started to blow off. I didn't bother looking at any of them, or call back the ones who tried to call me, I just went to my contacts, trying to find my wife's number, as I started to make my way down to the parking lot, as i'm still at the hotel's venue.

I quickly made my way to my car, while i press the call to my wife's number.

"Please, pick up. I'm sorry, i'm sorry." I said under my breath, now more tears started to flow out of my eyes, while I started the car and started driving.

I don't really know what I will say to her, hearing her voice is just the one thing that came in my mind, hearing her calming voice is the only thing I need in the moment.

I still have no response, even if I already arrive at our house, I have nothing. Making my way inside our home, as I continue to call her and text her to pick up while I chanted sorrys under my breath.

My shaking body, crying eyes, scared soul, my heart beating 10x faster, and my mind running through miles, thinking of the worse things that could happen.

I'm already trying to be better, but all of that got thrown to waste, like a snap of a finger.

I just cheated on my wife.

Y/n's POV:

Do you ever feel can't feel anything?

You just can't feel anything, the numbness feeling inside your heart that grows all around your body, spreading like a wildfire, until there's no space to reach in anymore.

The feeling of being in a dark place, even if there's so many lights and colors in your surroundings, but the only thing you can see is gray walls with so many unspoken words and unmoved actions, that you wished to have said and did already, before the unexpected pain and unbearable grief can even struck you like a lightning.

Your mind have so many questions and sentences you want to say, but nothing ever came out of your mouth. The unbearable pain inside your heart, that you can't even began to explain how it feels, or even find a word to describe it with.

She put my head in the clouds, but now, i'm falling like a rain, wishing someone could catch me, before I drown in the puddles of my brain. I wish, she could catch me, but she's the one who pushed me.

The thought of her that would usually give me butterflies inside my stomach, an instant explosion of euphoric feeling inside my heart, is now replaced with a stabbing of multiple knives in my heart, and an old pain that I felt so many times already that still hits me like a brick.

I don't even know what's more wrong now; am I wrong to make this break? Or am I wrong on giving her a chance from the start?

My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door of my room, staying still as I don't have any energy inside my body anymore to even sit up, I just let it, soon enough, my dad's voice echoed muffledly outside the door.

"Flower? Can you open the door, please?" He softly said knocking.

I want to answer, I want to go over there and open it, but I just can't seem to feel my body as I stare at the ceiling, same old empty feeling in my heart, messy mind that I can't seem to figure out.

"Honey, you need to eat." I heard my mom say as the knocking continue.

My eyes catch the clock to see that it's already past lunch. So, it has been 6 hours since I wake up to a very wonderful news. The images of her kissing a different woman is still burned in the back of my mind, the pain that strucked me the first time I saw it is still in my heart.

The images of her disappearing somewhere with someone who isn't me, and having an intimate moment still messes up with my mind of what they could have done, or did already.

"Come on, honey. Please, just eat something." I heard my mom say, but after that, I just bury my head in my pillow, not really having a motivation to deal with someone, or even eat something.

There I am;

Alone, shattered, broken.

A pained and a weak woman in a dark room, who got manipulated by love, again.

Who trusted a beautiful illuminated love, thinking it would not just be for a moment, but for forever and eternity.

A woman who got caught in a trap of flowery words, like roses, but didn't see the thorns of it.

There I am;

Thinking that it's time to swallow the bitter truth and admit that, simply loving someone isn't always enough, sometimes love requires you to bleed yourself to dry, to paint murals of loyalty in the murky gray sky, the promise of forever is nothing but a self soothing lie, because sometimes-

Love just dies.


Yeahhh...i got a little poetic here.

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