Oceans Apart

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Y/n's POV:

"Hi darling." My mom softly said as I step inside the house, my dad beside her.

"Come here, sunshine." My dad added as they both took me in their embrace.

As soon as my body collided with them, tears started falling as my body became limp, while it shook as I began to sob.

"Shhh, it's gonna be alright, sweetie." My mom said as she rub my back.

"We're here, honey. Come on, let's go to the living room." My dad said as he rub the back of my head, then pull away so we can walk.

We went to the living room and sit on the couch, my mom beside me, as my dad took all my things and bring it to my room.

"What happened, darling? It's okay if you're not ready to tell it, just know that your father and I are here for you, if you need someone to talk to." My mom said carefully.

"I just- i just don't know what to do anymore, everything is just falling apart, mom." I sobbed out as tears continue falling on my cheeks. My mom kept rubbing my back as her soft comforting words continued to sooth me.

"Where is she?" I heard my dad ask as he sit beside me.

"Back in L.A." I said as I turn to my dad and fell in his comforting arms, my mom still rubbing my back.

"Can you really tell us what happened, flower?" My dad ask softly.

One thing about my dad is, he would really want to know everything that is happening around him, especially when it comes to his family, and i'm an only child, he's overprotective on me, but I understand where he is coming from.

Scarlett actually took 2 years and a half for my yes, when she asked me out, because, well, I just got out of marriage, and my dad is slightly not into the idea of me, getting in a relationship again.

I told them everything that had happened, I don't really know if they are pissed or mad, but I know that they are upset and disappointed.

After that, they let me be as I wanted to rest, 5 hours flight from L.A to Hawaii is exhausting. I went to my bed, after I change my clothes into a comforting one, then just lay on the bed, waiting for myself to sleep, as the thoughts of Scarlett clouded my mind.

I did it.

All I need now is to rest my mind and forget the happenstance in the moment.

Just forget about Scarlett for awhile, she can figure her things out, and change herself back to the old Scarlett that I married.

But, as much as I want to be alright, I can't help but miss her.

Is this the right thing to do?

The next thing I know is my body becoming limp, my eyes closing as my vision became dark, and letting my mind slipping in on my dreamland.

Scarlett's POV:

As soon as Y/n went out of the front door, I let myself crumble into pieces again, sitting on the couch and I lean in, letting my body went limp as tears fall on eyes fell down to my cheeks, while I look at the ceiling.

I didn't really slept last night, I just cried until I can't anymore. Thank god I didn't woke her up from her peaceful sleep while I hold her.

The guilt and regrets are all over my body, it's like rushing in my blood, as questions clouded my mind, her crying image burned inside.

How could I  not know the things that's been happening in my own home?

I can't help but blame myself for the things that are happening to us now.

As I am lost in my own thoughts, my phone went off, I look at it and saw the name of Y/n's mom on the screen. I quickly hold my phone and answer it.

"H-hello? Mom?" I said and I heard her sigh.

"Hello, darling. How are you?" She ask softly.

This is what I like about her mother, she's too good for this cruel world, just like her daughter.

"I- I don't really know. Is Y/n already there? How is she? Is she doing alright?" I ramble as I worry about Y/n.

"I can't say that she's fine, because she's not, but she's currently sleeping right now. Now, don't worry about her, okay? Take care of yourself, for her. We got her here, but for now, I want you to figure out your things, so after all of this, you guys can go back to the things they were, with no problems." She said in a motherly-tone.

"Yes, mom. I'm so so sorry. I didn't know." I said, my voice breaking as tears started coming back.

"Shhh, i'm not mad, we're not mad at you, okay? We're just disappointed. But do me a favor, and be your better self, understand?" She said softly and I nodded, even though she can't see me.

"Yes, I will, I promise." I said quickly.

"Okay, goodbye for now. Take care of yourself, okay?" She said.

"Yes, I will, bye mom." I said and she said a little 'bye' then hung up.

After that, I throw my phone on the couch, and lay there, not having any motivation to do anything.

All I want in the moment is to hold my wife as tight as I could, kiss her whenever I want, do the things she loves, or just lay here and cuddle all day.

Now, doubts started clouding my mind.

Is this the right thing to do?

Did I made the right decision of letting her go for awhile?

What if something happened?

All the doubts here and there are so hard to not think and avoid, as the fear started to run all over my body as the thought of us, breaking apart came in my mind.

No. I won't let that happen.

For now, I just need to be my better self, and after 2 weeks, I will make sure for us to be back again, like what we used to be, and I will never do anything stupid.

But, now, at the moment, I just really need a relief for my stress. Something hard. A vodka wouldn't be that bad, right?

So, I decided to have a 2 or 3 glass of it, but as I kept drinking, I became more addicted to the taste of it, and the way it takes away my stressful and not so good thoughts.

So here I am now, having another bottle of vodka as I already finished the first one, while my mind began to be clouded by Y/n's face, as my body beginning to crave her.

God, I really miss my wife.

I took out my phone, and go to the photos, I began to scroll as my picture and my wife's started invading my screen. I stopped at one picture, me and her at the rooftop, star gazing, i'm the one who's taking the picture as we lay down under the moonlight, her body pressed against mine, while her head on my shoulder, her hands around my stomach, while mine is around her shoulder.

We're both looking at the camera I was holding, we both have smiles on our faces that reaches our eyes.

God, that things I would do to bring back the time.

I didn't even know that I was crying until wet liquid started to drop on the screen of my phone, but I didn't cared, I just let it. I cried and cried while drinking, until my own body gave up and I fell asleep on the couch.

Y/n, being the last thing on my mind.

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