Little One

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Both of the woman's head whipped to the direction of the small voice that called out.
Y/n's hands was quick to reach over and wipe her tears quickly as if it was a crime, and Scarlett did the same as they tried to collect their selves.

"Yes, baby?" Y/n said with a smile plastered on her face as she walk towards the small little girl, who has red nose, a teddy in hand and a pacifier at one hand.

She picked Avery up, and pulled the girl close to her chest, as she turned away from Scarlett, as if she's hiding Avery from the older woman. Y/n bounced the little girl in her arms up and down as she comforted it as the little girl talked to her mother about how her head aches, and she felt icky.

Scarlett watch the scene infront of her unfold as Y/n caressed the head of the little girl, while whispering sweet things to her, which is very comforting that even Scarlett was lulled by it.

"Shhh, it's okay, baby. It will go away soon, i promise...shhh, what do you want? Do you want to watch another movie with Mama, or sleep and cuddle in your room or mine?" Y/n said with very soft and gentle voice that made Scarlett's heart melt.

She used to be like this to me back then. Scarlett thought, as she felt slightly jealous, which made her cringe at herself at thought of getting jealous on the child.

"..wanna watch and cwudlles, Mommy..." The child's voice was tired, and sounded sleepy, but nevertheless, hearing her daughter's voice made Scarlett's heart flutter.

"Oh, okay, then let's do that, shall we? Where do you want to watch? In the living room, or my room, or your room?" Y/n asked, looking down at her daughter.

Just by holding Avery this close can make the problems and troubles that is coming on Y/n's way stop. With her little one in her arms, all goes away, and Avery is all that matters to her.

"Wiving room...wanna watch with Ms. Muffins too, Mommy, please?" Avery said picking her head up from her mother's chest, as she looked at Y/n with pout and pleading tired eyes.

Y/n was surprised, and partially nervous as she watch Avery peek over to look at Scarlett, then smiled as Scarlett smiled at her.

"Uh-ahemm.." Y/n cleared her throat. "She- uhm, she can't, baby, she uhm, needs to uh- she still needs to deliver the muffins for the other kids, and we don't want to bother Ms. Muffins now, do we, hmm?" Y/n tried to cover up, completely unconscious at the soft look and small smile that Scarlett gave her because of the nickname that went out of her mouth.

"But, Mommy...please, i-i wanna watch with her...." Avery pouted, as she look back at her mother with teary eyes, that pained Y/n's heart, same as Scarlett who saw her daughter's face.

"But, she can't baby, maybe some other time-" Y/n was cut off by Scarlett as soon as the older woman saw how her daughter's face turned to frown that is clearly looking like she's going to cry in any seconds.

"I can. Actually." Scarlett said with a shrugged, catching the attention of her daughter and Y/n's.

"Really, Ms. Muffin? You will watch with me?" Avery asked with hopeful eyes that even Y/n was too shy to disagree.

"Yeah, i can. Well, it depends on what you will watch..." Scarlett said with her face changing into a funny one, that made Avery laugh.

"Beauty and the beast!" Avery exclaimed, holding up both of her hands in the air.

Scarlett saw Y/n glared at her, but she just smiled a little at the woman, before turning her attention back to Avery.

"'s mine and Mommy's favorite, she said it was yours too, Ms. Muffin. Is that true?" Avery asked as she started to wiggle out of her mother's embrace.

"Baby..." Y/n was hesitant to let the child go, but with just Avery's puppy eyes, she did and watched as Avery wobbled towards Scarlett.

"Yeah..." Scarlett started as she gaze at Y/n for a second, then looking back to her daughter. "Yeah, that's very true, my love. I actually used to watch it with Mommy." Scarlett said with a smile that Y/n hadn't seen before since she came back.

"Really Mommy?" Avery said as she turned to look at her mother, who quickly smiled and nodded, before glaring at Scarlett once again as soon as her daughter turned back to Scarlett.

"Let's go, Ms. Muffin..." Avery said before taking a hold of Scarlett's hand, and pulling her with her towards the living room.

As they passed Y/n, both of the older woman's eyes met, Scarlett smiled nervously at Y/n with a shrugged, which Y/n returned with an eye roll.

As soon as the two was gone out of sight, Y/n sighed audibly, shaking her head before putting her hands on her face then rubbing it up and down. Though, in all that, there's still a lingering question in her mind, yes, sure Avery already know Scarlett, but as Ms. Muffin, but how the hell Scarlett knew about Avery, because she sure as hell didn't utter her daughter's name earlier in the interview.

But, oh well, here they are, and she knows she's just gotta get with it.

"...Ms. Muffin, can you sing that?" Avery said with a giggle, as she pointed at Gaston who is singing in the screen.

She is all cuddled up in Scarlett's side, with Scarlett's one arm wrapped around her, she her one arm holds the teddy bear and the other is over on Scarlett's tummy.

"Okay, but first, you should call me Scarlett. Ms. Muffin's too long, don't you think so?" Scarlett said while looking down at the kid while smiling as she tuck a hair behind tge kid's ear.

"Is that your name?" Avery asked with very curious eyes, but still can't hide the fact that she finds it adorable as Scarlett nodded.

"It's very pretty like you." Avery said sweetly, while smiling up at Scarlett, who has her heart melted at the compliment.

Maybe, things will just gonna be alright after all?

"Well, thank you very much, sweetheart. You're very beautiful like your name too." Scarlett said, before leaving a lingering kiss on her daughter's forehead, completely unaware of the blush that appeared on Avery's small cheeks.

"Sing it!" Avery exclaimed pointing at the screen, while looking at Scarlett with wide smile.

"Okay, here we go darling..." Scarlett said before proceeding to sing along to the song, with Avery giggling and babbling all the way.

Y/n watched the two from the kitchen as she stood in the frame, leaning against it. She can't help but let the small smile on her face go free, as she felt her heart swelled. She didn't once thought that it would feel this amazing seeing Scarlett bond with Avery like nothing matters.

It makes her doubts and angers to Scarlett somehow decreased, it makes her rethink that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't gonna ba that bad if she let Scarlett and Avery bond together, but not just for 3 days.

And maybe, it wouldn't be that bad if she let Avery know the truth. I mean, 2 parents is better than one, right? And Avery seems to be very fond of Scarlett, and the way they act together, it all seems like it's all gonna be just fine.

As she watch Scarlett and Avery, it made her overthink with so many what if's that is just too good to be true, or that's what she thought so.

What if they didn't divorced?

What if Scarlett didn't cheated? What if she didn't let her asshole self be known.

What if it all worked out?

What if they still together right now, and they have Avery growing up with a complete family?

Can that still happen if Y/n gave Scarlett a chance before?

Or can that still happen if Y/n gave Scarlett a chance now?

Y/n don't know, she just don't know. She doesn't want to make decisions too early, not because she doesn't want to or what, but because she's too scared to open up again to someone who hurt her feelings. To someone who promised so much, but gave her less.

But, she wants to see all the impossible things, because deep inside her, there's this nerve that is screaming that she and Scarlett could still be together after all.

Well, i guess we'll just have to see, won't me?

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