Fading Flowers

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Y/n's POV:

Lizzie let me lay on her lap, while we watch. She turn on the tv while we wait for Scarlett. I told her to stay for awhile, and she can go until Scarlett is here as I don't really like being alone, plus she insisted it too, saying that she doesn't have anything to do anyways.

It's already 8, but Scarlett is still not home. I didn't make an effort to cook dinner for her, it might just be shut down again, and all my efforts would just go to nothing. We'll just gonna have a take out.

"It's already quarter 8, she's still not here. Do you want me to call her?" I heard Lizzie say as she comb my hair.

I'm really sleepy, but i'm just fighting it because I want to wait for Scarlett.

"No. Just let her be, let see if she can keep up with her promise." I said.

I'm really done with our situation, i'm done being like this to people I love, to people who I had relationship with, it's always like this. Well, for Scarlett we were not like this, but now, she's just becoming the same like them.

While we wait, nothing out of ordinary happened, there's not a call or text came from her. I should've not got my hopes high, I should've see this coming.

Seconds turn into minutes until minutes turned into hours, no sign of Scarlett is seen, not even a silhouette of her.

It's getting past 11, and I don't want to be a burden to Liz anymore, she's been here with me for a long time, but it won't be bad if I come with her, right? Plus, I don't think something good will happen to me if I just wait here for nothing.

"Can I just come with you? Please? I don't really want to be alone." I said looking at her as she put her shoes on.

"Ofcourse, you can. Go get the things you need, I will wait for you here, okay?" She said nodding while putting her jacket.

"Okay." I said and get the things I need, just a a two pairs of clothes for change, and my phone and wallet.

"Let's go."

With that, we made our way to her car. I sit on the passanger seat, while she sat on the driver's and drove out of our garage.

The ride was completely silence, but it's comfortable, thank god Lizzie didn't bring up Scarlett.

The whole ride I just look at the window, and think about my life and the situation i'm in right now.

I don't know if this marriage will keep going anymore, I mean, yes this can keep going, but not the same as we started, and I know that we're just gonna hurt each other more if we continue going on like this. Especially, myself, one thing that I learned about loving, is that you need to love yourself, and put yourself first in any circumstances, and i'm not doing that right now because i'm too blind of the love that Scarlett gave me.

I'm blinded by the blind hope, thinking this will still get better. I keep thinking on how to make this relationship better, while, I, myself, can't even be a little bit better.

We're supposed to fix this together, every problem we're having now, we're supposed to be with each other, but it seems like i'm the only one who cares at the moment. It feels like i'm the only one who wants to keep us together.

Now, the questions keep coming up. What happened? Am I not enough? Did she got tired of me? Did I do something?... Is she cheating on me? Does she have her eyes on someone new?

Does the love she vowed to give me for all her life, washed away? Or is it now given to someone new?

I don't know. No one knows.

All I want is this to end. But I know, that I have to be brave to end this, may we fix this or not, I know this has to end. Just like what Lizzie said; There are things that we don't want to be done, but we need to put an end to.

And I know she's right, and that's what i'm gonna do.

If we fixed this, then okay, I will give her a chance, if not, then I guess, I just have to accept what the faith will bring us.

"Hey, you alright?- I mean, ofcourse you're not, but you can talk it out on me." Lizzie said as we sit in her living room, waiting for the take out she ordered as we still didn't eat anything for dinner.

"I- I want to end this. But I don't know how." I said looking at Lizzie as tears started to brimmed out of my eyes.

I bet I look so helpless and pitiful right now. But I couldn't care less.

"Hey, it will be okay, don't worry. Come here." She said and bring me to her arms, I leaned in and accept the warmth she's giving me.

"If you want this to end, do it. You will just keep hurting yourself if you continue being like this. I can see it, Y/n. I can see you breaking, you're keeping your emotions with a glass box, and I know that no one in that situation of yours are gonna be happy to be in." She said rubbing my back.

"But I don't know how, Liz." I cried out sobbing.

"You know, Y/n. You know exactly what you have and need to do, you're just scared and afraid. But let me tell you, you have nothing to be afraid of, okay? I know, your past relationships hasn't been the greatest, and this one is being like that again, but you don't have to be afraid or scared to save yourself off of this marriage. I mean, you can talk this out, but I know you know that talking this out will just lead to nothing. And I know that it will be hard, but you can take a break first, clear out your mind, then make a plan. I'm here, okay? We're always here for you." She said and that just made my feelings 10x better again.

I sit up and hug her properly, tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Liz. Thank you for being here for me, I don't know what I would do without you." I said crying, but letting her know that im thankful.

"It's no problem, sweetheart. Don't mention it. I did that because you're my friend... I love you. I will always be here no matter what. Whatever the circumstances we are in." She said.

"Love is simple, Y/n. So, if someone is making it complicated for you, leave them." She added.

This conversation really helped me, Lizzie really helped me.

While we wait, Lizzie opened her television, but i'm too lost in my thoughts to even focus on it.

I'm scared, and i'm still not ready to end this once in for all, but as Lizzie said, I can just take a break for a while.

And I think, that would really help me.

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