Crumbling Castles

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Y/n's POV:

Some people say, the best love is the one you never saw coming.

Scarlett made me believe in that.

But ours didn't just got a happy ending, maybe we can have, if I could give this a chance, but I'm too scared to even face her, afraid that I would give in and run right back in her arms.

Sometimes, I like to think that our story isn't over just yet, that someday, we will meet again and finally get it right.

But the flowers she planted in my garden of heart, she made me watch as she burn it all, along with my fragile heart.

Her words and actions wrapped around my bones, and found a home between my ribs, straight directly to my heart, every syllables and moves showing me how love and pain can coexist.

And now, I realized that maybe, she is actually a same shade of heartbreak that i once thought was a new color of love.

My thoughts were cut off by my phone going off, I gaze at it and saw my best friend's name and quickly answer it.

"Hey liz, any news? You didn't called me yesterday." I said in a raspy voice, my throat is a little scratchy because of the crying I did.

Fortunately, my parents made me got out of my room to eat something, and atleast let my body to get a glimpse of the sunlight, as I am starting to look more pale than normal.

"Yeah, sorry, I just had something to do. How are you?" She said.

"It's fine, and well, I can't really say that I'm fine because I'm not, but, I'm trying to get better. Mom and dad are always here for me, so don't worry. How about you, how are you?" I said as I stand up to open my curtains, letting the morning sunlight cave inside my room. I slightly squint my eyes at the sudden brightness my eyes had caught on, letting it relax as soon as it got comfortable.

"I'm fine, yeah, I'm doing great, just a little busy because of work. I'm glad to hear that you're going out of your room now, keep it up, just know that there are a lot of people who will be by your side along the way, okay?" She said sincerely, and I couldn't help but smile on how she cares for me.

"Yes, ofcourse, thank you so much liz. So... about Scarlett, did she signed it?" I ask, a little afraid that she might did.

"No... I'm sorry." She said in a low voice.

I can't help but feel the happiness and hope deep down my heart, the feel of relief when Lizzie said those words. But, the feeling of being afraid and a slight of disappoinment didn't go unnoticed.

Yes, I decided to file a divorce, not because I don't love her anymore, because I still do, I will forever carry her with me, the love, memories and every moments we have made, it will always gonna be on my back.

I filed it, because I'm scared to be more broken and shattered than I already am, I'm scared to be the old me again. I'm afraid that if I didn't end this sooner, I would just think of doing what I did before; running right back in the arms of those who hurt me, and continuesly letting them break me, until my heart is nothing but a complete dust.

"Hey, you still there babe?" I heard Lizzie say from the other line, letting the nickname she gave me slip, as I'm used on her, using nicknames to call me.

"Y-yeah, sorry, just...lost in my thoughts." I said as I sit by the window, watching the gloomy sky here in Hawaii.

"Can you tell me what are you thinking, maybe I can help you, sweetheart." She said gently and carefully.

"I'm just thinking if this...if I'm doing the right thing... I don't know, it's just- it felt wrong, but good in some ways, I don't really know. I'm too confused, I don't even know if the things that are happening now is even real or just a nightmare that I'm stuck in." I said, my voice breaking, as I play with the hem of my shirt, tears started to spill my eyes, as I sadly chuckled at the end of my words.

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